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Monday, July 28, 2008

Global warming in the classroom?

Hey all, it’s another scorching day in Texas. I wonder if I would appreciate the heat more if I had gotten taught more about climate change, global warming, increase Earth heat moment, or whatever it’s called now days. Good job Governator.
State legislatures along with judicial members in all levels seem to urge deciding what our future is. They will promote their political agendas before they’ll do what’s best for their constituent’s, or even interpret the document they swore to up held. The latest example occurred in the radical state of California. Their state legislature attempted to pass a bill known as SB 908 as reported in the Mercury News today. This bill was another effort to indoctrinate children with the idea that we only have limited resources, and that our planet will go to hell in a hand basket. The article explains how school districts where going to teach climate change as a subject. More propaganda for the wacky environmentalists. Thankfully Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the measure. The article quotes him as saying
"I continue to believe that the state should refrain from being overly prescriptive in specific school curriculum, beyond establishing rigorous academic
I understand that the health of our planet is vital for human survival. Also, it’s clear based on the weather that the climate is changing. The climate has changed for thousands of years though. The planet Earth heats up when solar flairs are closer and it cools down when an ice age arrives. Children shouldn’t be forced to think that the only reason the AC needs to be cranked up is do to our bad habits. If I want to learn the facts about weather patterns I can look it up myself. I definitely don’t need a government ran agency to shove it down my throat or that of my kids when I have a family.
Do you care how far the government is trying to advertise their agendas? Do you think that more government is the answer? James.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ddon't know what the answer is, honestly. People r going to continue to display their bad habits, sinc a log of people think no means yes.I agree that our kids do not need to be taught that Mommy and Daddy r the reasons it's so hot outside, but since kids idolize their parents, whether parents like it or not, they will sadly fall in to this global trap Mother Earth has put us in.