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Thursday, February 18, 2010

We know best how to spend your money.

Hey you’ll, it’s been a while since my last post. As you can tell the blog has gotten upgraded. I hope this will invite more people to visit, and I hope that more people will start sharing their opinions.
It appears that the title of this piece accurately describes the philosophy embraced by the Obama administration. The evidence can fill countless volumes. I will just share a few crucial instances. Although I always thought that parents taught their children to always tell the truth even if the end result of their actions wasn’t one of rainbows, sunshine, and lollypops.
One year has passed since the first stimulus package got shoved down the throats of the American people. A 787 billion dollar piece of legislation that according to President Obama has “prevented a second great depression from happening.” The leadership of the Democratic Party along with the main news outlets claim that so far this piece of legislation alone has help create jobs as well as has help rescue the economy from doom.
It’s quite obvious that misleading the American people is essential for Liberalism in power 101. Let’s review the facts as they stand. Claim 1. By passing the Recovery Act unemployment rate won’t rise above 8%. I’m sorry; someone obviously didn’t do very well in arithmetic’s in school Fact 1. The current unemployment rate happens to be 9.7%.
Claim 2. The Recovery Act will help create jobs in the private sector. If by private sector they meant the expansion of government jobs across the country they are quite right. Fact 2. The Recovery Act helped employ some new 10,000 government workers without creating any real jobs. One more example that the American people are struggling financially while the federal government continues to screw anyone it can.
Claim 3. The Recovery Act will help start the process of cutting into the national debt. Their ability to deal with numbers resembles Obama’s speaking skills when the teleprompter freezes. Fact 3. Congress passed a bill allowing for the ceiling of the national debt to be raised by 2 trillion dollars. This means that by 2020 the federal government will owe approximately 5% of the United States GDP.
Finally my favorite claim. Claim 4. The Recovery Act will only contain necessary spending without any wasteful spending. This bill had more pork than a foot long ballpark dog does. Fact 4. It appears that $150,000 of the stimulus package went towards remodeling houses in Oklahoma that were about to get demolished.
It’s evident that there are 787 billion reasons why this bill should have never gotten passed. The tax payers continue to take it on the chin and wallet with every massive spending piece of legislation passed by Congress. When will those in Congress along with in the White House learn the simple lesson that the solution to a large deficit and poor economy isn’t through more spending. The only way the economy will get back on track will be the day Congress allows the American people to keep their money, and instead of demanding even more money they let each person spend it as they so desire. It’s time for the federal government to go back to what the founding fathers of this great nation intended it for it to be. It should focus on keeping us safe, making sure that laws are passed in accordance to the Constitution, and to encourage people to realize the American dream instead of making it a nightmare. The Recovery Act has been a colossal disaster, and it has proved that those in Washington have forgotten the phrase “no taxation without representation,” that inspired our founding fathers to become an independent nation. One where the tyranny of the King and Parliament wouldn’t hinder the life of all its citizens. Right now we are feeling the wrath of the tyranny imposed by Congress and the White House. It’s time to continue to send them packing if they choose to pass even more asinine pieces of legislation like the Robbery Act as I call it.