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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Red Alert.

Hello everyone, no doubt that by now everyone has heard about the tragic incident that took place in Tucson, Arizona on Saturday morning. I will not attempt to depict the events that led up to the massacre, nor will I describe what happened during the shooting. I think it’s necessary to address an untold tragedy though that has resulted from the actions perpetrated by a mentally disturbed individual this past weekend.
Often incomprehensible events cause’s people to react in a way that is natural and realistic contrary to how public officials most often behave when the cameras are on. In contrast, most Americans expressed their sorrow and anger at the devastation left at the site of the shooting. Several precious lives were lost, and the coverage was overwhelming. The true tragedy is the lost of innocent life, the debilitating injuries sustained by individuals like Representative Gifford’s, but it has now become the empowerment of a group of elitist who are quite satisfied to disregard the sanctity of human lives. the willingness of a collection of insensitive bureaucrats who instead of leading a shocked nation have chosen to reaffirm their positions in society through their new suggestions of expanding the government even further as well as their willingness to oppress free speech. Their diminishing political existence has caused them to encourage the ceasing of discourse on the same laws that failed to prevent this heinous affair from taking place.
So far the reaction by most of the prominent figures of the Democratic Party has been to blame anyone who spoke out against the gargantuan flawed piece of legislation known as Obama care. Anyone who dares to ensue in a civil debate to protest the perpetual overreach of the federal government into the life of every American has now gotten labeled as instigators by the left. Anyone who doesn’t agrees with the radically socialist blue print utilized by liberal’s apparently are responsible for encouraging people like Jared Lee Loughner to enact violent acts this according to the Sheriff leading the investigation.
The true tragedy has once again become the lack of leadership shown by a government who prefers to engage in politically correct games instead of protecting its citizens. Its main actors deny the existence of any flaw in the current system that allowed a mentally disturbed individual to acquire a fire arm have chosen to trample upon our right to bare arms as a reasonable precaution instead. They claim that the creation of sensor laws will make it difficult for people to become agitated by rhetoric, but neglected to mention that it will also prevent anyone from telling them to get their heads out of the sand.
Let’s honor those who died on Saturday by standing up to those who try to force their way of thinking upon us. Let’s reassure those who were injured by making certain that law enforcement officers get to do their job before another tragedy takes place. Let’s comfort all of their families by letting them grieve on all of our shoulders. Let’s all move forward from this horrific event by doing what Rep. Gifford meetting with her constituents symbolizes, and that is fighting for the American way.

Monday, January 3, 2011

No More American Pie.

No More American Pie.
By James Blaise.
Hello yall, it’s time to once again write about the important topics that will impact America and the American people in 2011. Let’s focus on the latest topic to get rehashed by pundits, bloggers, and some talk show hosts through meaningless chatter. I’m referring to the newly comprised United States Congress.
The shift of power in Congress from the suffocating tentacles of the Liberal Democrats to that of a revitalized Conservative Republican Party represents more than just another symbolic swing of the political pendulum between the two major political entities in the United States. The American voters chose to elect a group of representatives that more closely resembled their core values. A group of individuals who value the principles upon which this nation was founded on. Representatives who realize that the expense account that funds all of Uncle Sam’s projects should not exceed the available revenue coming into the coffers. Elected officials who acknowledge that free enterprise should once again become the predominant fiscal philosophy as opposed to Keynesian economics. Finally, a class of men and women who pledged to hand back America to the American people.
Speaker John A. Boehner now has the responsibility to lead the Republican Party in the House of Representatives by making sure that over spending doesn’t take place. He needs to make sure that regardless of how tempting political expediency may become he is representing the interests of the people in the people’s house not the house of the bureaucracy. He along with his colleagues in the House along with those in the Senate need to start replacing Sunday talk shows, tonight shows, and cable channel news programs with their chambers as the places where fiscal sanity gets restored.
Representative Darrell Issa of California said it best though in his appearance on Face the Nation this past Sunday. Congress has a duty to regain the trust of the American people. They can’t continue to fill legitimate pieces of legislation with pork barrel projects. They can’t pat the backs of those brave men and women who wear the uniform with rhetoric, and then use their votes to deplete them of the resources they need in the battle field. They can’t continue to pretend that an old alliance dating back to World War II will help keep America safe, and then ratify a treaty preventing the development or use of defense systems in case a radical regime decides to get an itchy trigger finger. Finally, the new administration must show that their agenda abides by the Constitution of the United States a document that was trampled on like the grass in the African jungle after the Great Migration by Pelosi and her cohorts. Also, Congress must attempt to find answers to pressing issues instead of creating pieces of legislation just to prove a point like President Obama has done in the last 2 years.
The analogy is often used in comparing the national debt to a pie. Well, the pie has grown from a McDonald’s apple pie to a three story wedding cake. An unacceptable growth that will lead to the demise of this great nation as well as put a communist friendly government like China as the number one super power in the world. We’ve all seen incoming Speaker Boehner yell and cry, but how good is he with a carving knife?