The Red, White, and Blue

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bah, Humbug for Congress.

Unfortunately in the last 20 years, political correctness has help to destroy some of the traditions and colloquial expressions that are synonymous with American culture. This censored practice has allowed
some organizations and individuals gain some notoriety for championing such a bogus cause. Did you know that Congress is forbidden to wish their Constituents a Merry Christmas, or even a Happy New Year on official stationary? Ok, I know what some will argue. What about separation of church and state. Sadly, Christmas has become a secular holiday. Christmas has become a day where families exchange gifts with each other more than the celebration of the birth of Christ. Most Americans celebrate Santa
than they do the Lord on this specific day. This Holiday has become a cultural phenomenon for most families not all though. So even though Christmas itself originally celebrates a religious event, the idea that a member of the House of Representatives who is suppose to reflect the values of those who elected them to public office in good will can't wish their constituents a Merry Christmas is ludicrous. Now, even if Christmas was completely a secular holiday political correct individuals would still object to such an occasion. They object to the use of the words Happy New Year. It may seem silly, but what could
they possibly be offended to by New Year's? The answer is very simple. They are appalled by the idea that anyone should find a time to renew their hope. They can't believe that anyone has the audacity to think that a specific date can symbolize the renewing of hope, a joyous occasion full of glee, and absence of concern over what anyone else thinks. Not walking on egg shells every time you speak, write, or think goes against every principle of political correctness. This is why I would like to wish everyone a
Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year's. To all of my Jewish friends I would like to wish you a happy Hanukah. You can read more about Scrooge's presence in Congress here

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