Sunday, November 23, 2008
Podcast five.
Hey all, here is podcast number five. We address the real solution for the auto industry, and we talk about pirates in Africa. James.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Podcast four.
Hey all, here is podcast number four. A look at how bad we really are economically, and a glimpse at an important scientific achievements. Enjoy. James.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Barack in office podcast.
Hey all, here is podcast number three. I address the post election coverage, and a preview of our new President. Enjoy. James.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Real Obama.
Hey all, here is the link to my second podcast. If you want to hear an in depth analysis about who Barack is download this file. James.
Friday, October 31, 2008
First podcast.
Hello all, I want to include all the links for all of my podcasts on here. So to visit a podcast with the same intensity and style of this blog visit Hope you like it. A new one will be posted every Friday. James.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Is it over?
Hey all, I hope that you are doing well. It’s been a while since my last post. Some technological issues had to get ironed out, and studying for all of my classes took priority. I plan to start posting daily once again, and soon an audio podcast will be up and running. I wonder is the presidential election race over?
Both Presidential candidates have engaged in three debates, and the VP candidates where involved in what some call a debate. It’s difficult to understand how they would allow a woman who wrote a book praising Senator Obama to moderate the debate, but Palin still kicked Biden’s gap I mean gluteus maxim us during the debate. People weren’t sure if this hurt or helped the McCain campaign I think it’s clear that this along with the last debate both helped his pole numbers.
Some networks throughout the debate were reporting how it was going to be impossible for Senator McCain to come back. It was quite an intense session, but this is the one where John McCain finally spoke out like he should have throughout his campaign from the beginning. I know many think that I am probably completely nuts. Well, the latest Zogby pole has the candidates at 47.8% for Senator Obama and 45.1% for Senator McCain. A Gallup pole late on Friday had reported Obama leading 45% to 42% for McCain. Funny that some were wondering not if Obama was going to win, but how big of a land slide it would be. Senator Obama once held a 14 point lead. I would be concerned if I worked in the Obama campaign that when people learn the truth they mainly follow their morals and beliefs. I think people have finally woken up to the realization that Senator Obama isn’t the Messiah, has a poor record of associating with some bad characters, and wants to use Marxist ideas if elected. I will gladly explain why I call him a Marxist if need be.
The huge amount of money that Congress approved to help Wall Street is a huge mistake, and sadly both candidates voted for it. It’s necessary to start addressing the true issues rather than just personal attacks. Also, I will advice Joe Biden that jobs is a four letter word not three. Do you approve of a government that continues to expand everyday? James.
Both Presidential candidates have engaged in three debates, and the VP candidates where involved in what some call a debate. It’s difficult to understand how they would allow a woman who wrote a book praising Senator Obama to moderate the debate, but Palin still kicked Biden’s gap I mean gluteus maxim us during the debate. People weren’t sure if this hurt or helped the McCain campaign I think it’s clear that this along with the last debate both helped his pole numbers.
Some networks throughout the debate were reporting how it was going to be impossible for Senator McCain to come back. It was quite an intense session, but this is the one where John McCain finally spoke out like he should have throughout his campaign from the beginning. I know many think that I am probably completely nuts. Well, the latest Zogby pole has the candidates at 47.8% for Senator Obama and 45.1% for Senator McCain. A Gallup pole late on Friday had reported Obama leading 45% to 42% for McCain. Funny that some were wondering not if Obama was going to win, but how big of a land slide it would be. Senator Obama once held a 14 point lead. I would be concerned if I worked in the Obama campaign that when people learn the truth they mainly follow their morals and beliefs. I think people have finally woken up to the realization that Senator Obama isn’t the Messiah, has a poor record of associating with some bad characters, and wants to use Marxist ideas if elected. I will gladly explain why I call him a Marxist if need be.
The huge amount of money that Congress approved to help Wall Street is a huge mistake, and sadly both candidates voted for it. It’s necessary to start addressing the true issues rather than just personal attacks. Also, I will advice Joe Biden that jobs is a four letter word not three. Do you approve of a government that continues to expand everyday? James.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Big rip off.
Hey all, well I’m sure that everyone has heard about the gigantic mess also known as the 700 billion dollar financial bale out proposed by your federal government. I don’t know of a larger rip off of the American tax payer has ever existed. I plan to provide some details that will add to that already burning fire in you.
Let’s start with the obvious question. Why are we planning to spend a gargantuan amount of money? It’s a really complex answer to be honest. Many ties exist among Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and members of Congress. These two governmental entities will be receiving all the money to keep them from going bankrupt. Multiple bad deals occurred in the last 15 years, and some of the misdoings include Fannie and Freddie executives getting bonuses from false reported earnings. Also, millions where funneled into housing projects in the districts of various member of Congress like Chuck Schumer from NY. According to a Heritage Foundation article in 2004 the Washington Post reported that the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight made a discovery that Fannie Mae was engaging in N Ron like accounting. This was completely dismissed by Congress. Some of the evidence according to the article found in the Heritage site shows that a former Clinton administration member Jamie Gorelick received a bonus of upwards of 25 million dollars whenever her base salary was only $1 million. I wonder if that should have been a hint.
Fannie Mae was created under the FDR administration as part of the New Deal. According to the article its original intent was to assist low income families with housing accommodations. Fredy Mac although created much later is supposed to serve a similar purpose. The problem seems that even with housing market booms these entities still live on. It’s requiring a financial buy out of bad loans of $700 billion from Uncle Sam to keep these two mortgage monsters from sinking. I want to know why aren’t those involved in putting us in this predicament getting held accountable.
Let’s shed light on some of these characters. Senator Obama claims to be fighting an administration that brought this mess on. Well, Senator Obama once worked quite closely with a group called Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN got bought off by Fannie Me according to the article. ACORN has gotten indicted for corruption prior to their buy out. If you are purchasing corrupt activist groups it’s a good sign that legitimate business isn’t taking place with in the company. The three largest members of Congress according to a list provided by Fannie Mae were Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Barmy Franks, etc. Why don’t they have to swear under oath about their involvement?
I am just mad that our government is getting involved in a disaster that they created. These mortgage companies shouldn’t have gotten so much federal funding in the first place. Our taxes money has better places to go. Congress was just greedy since they were knee deep in it. This isn’t a Socialist government. Let the market run its course. We will have our periods of success, and we will have our periods of down time. Politicians should stop this game of pointing fingers, and shoveling maneuver covering there dirty tracks. I want someone to have the gull to step up to the plate, and I want the American people to stand strong. We should all call Congress to tell them how we don’t approve of their lack luster attempts to rectify their mistake. We need public servants who do what’s best for us not for their pocket books. I hope that we are able to maintain our liberties, free enterprise, and good living. If we continue to engage in activities like these we won’t get a chance to do so. God bless America’s principles, capitalist approach, and our way of life. James.
Let’s start with the obvious question. Why are we planning to spend a gargantuan amount of money? It’s a really complex answer to be honest. Many ties exist among Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and members of Congress. These two governmental entities will be receiving all the money to keep them from going bankrupt. Multiple bad deals occurred in the last 15 years, and some of the misdoings include Fannie and Freddie executives getting bonuses from false reported earnings. Also, millions where funneled into housing projects in the districts of various member of Congress like Chuck Schumer from NY. According to a Heritage Foundation article in 2004 the Washington Post reported that the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight made a discovery that Fannie Mae was engaging in N Ron like accounting. This was completely dismissed by Congress. Some of the evidence according to the article found in the Heritage site shows that a former Clinton administration member Jamie Gorelick received a bonus of upwards of 25 million dollars whenever her base salary was only $1 million. I wonder if that should have been a hint.
Fannie Mae was created under the FDR administration as part of the New Deal. According to the article its original intent was to assist low income families with housing accommodations. Fredy Mac although created much later is supposed to serve a similar purpose. The problem seems that even with housing market booms these entities still live on. It’s requiring a financial buy out of bad loans of $700 billion from Uncle Sam to keep these two mortgage monsters from sinking. I want to know why aren’t those involved in putting us in this predicament getting held accountable.
Let’s shed light on some of these characters. Senator Obama claims to be fighting an administration that brought this mess on. Well, Senator Obama once worked quite closely with a group called Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN got bought off by Fannie Me according to the article. ACORN has gotten indicted for corruption prior to their buy out. If you are purchasing corrupt activist groups it’s a good sign that legitimate business isn’t taking place with in the company. The three largest members of Congress according to a list provided by Fannie Mae were Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Barmy Franks, etc. Why don’t they have to swear under oath about their involvement?
I am just mad that our government is getting involved in a disaster that they created. These mortgage companies shouldn’t have gotten so much federal funding in the first place. Our taxes money has better places to go. Congress was just greedy since they were knee deep in it. This isn’t a Socialist government. Let the market run its course. We will have our periods of success, and we will have our periods of down time. Politicians should stop this game of pointing fingers, and shoveling maneuver covering there dirty tracks. I want someone to have the gull to step up to the plate, and I want the American people to stand strong. We should all call Congress to tell them how we don’t approve of their lack luster attempts to rectify their mistake. We need public servants who do what’s best for us not for their pocket books. I hope that we are able to maintain our liberties, free enterprise, and good living. If we continue to engage in activities like these we won’t get a chance to do so. God bless America’s principles, capitalist approach, and our way of life. James.
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Dinosaur Choice.
Hey all, it’s now time to discuss the life and achievements of the other Vice Presidential nominee. Senator Joseph R. Biden the clear choice for VP according to Barack Obama’s logic. It’s ironic he is campaigning for change since he has been a Senator for over 30 years.
Joseph R. Biden Jr. was born on November 20, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania according to his biography found in the United States Senate web site. Senator Biden attended the University of Delaware where he earned a degree in History and Political Science. He went on to obtain his law degree from Syracuse University Law School in 1968. His biography details his first marriage, and they give detailed descriptions of his three kids. The site states that his life as a public servant started when got elected to the New Castle County city council. His service for the citizens of Delaware can be traced this far.
The Barack Obama campaigns that now include Biden have often mocked Senator McCain for his age, and the amount of time he has been in DC. Well, Senator Biden has according to the Senate Democratic Policy Committee Office casted 12,635 votes in his career as a Senator. The Senate records indicate that this task has only gotten achieved by 28 other members which is quite an accomplishment, but I wonder if this isn’t too long of a career inside the Belt Way?
Senator Biden has attempted to run for the White House on two other occasions. He failed do to health reasons in 1987, and he just couldn’t get enough votes in 2007. All this can be found in the Senate’s web site as well.
It’s difficult to narrow down any specific bills he is renounced for. One of his areas of expertise is foreign policy according to his followers. Although he did engage in the debate which would have cut the funds for the members of the military who are fighting in the war on terror. His biography does state he encouraged a military strike on Kosovo in 1999. So I guess he is a foreign policy genius.
My opinion of Senator Biden isn’t very high. His political path highlights quite a Socialist view. He is also involved in the gigantic rip off which is the financial bail out I’ll address in a later post. He has often shown his ineptitude to deal with the political spot light with comments like “Hilary would have been a better choice than me.” This can be located along with many of his gaps in the Mark Levin Show web site. I wonder if choosing a Senator who takes the train home is better than a moose shooting mama. James.
Joseph R. Biden Jr. was born on November 20, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania according to his biography found in the United States Senate web site. Senator Biden attended the University of Delaware where he earned a degree in History and Political Science. He went on to obtain his law degree from Syracuse University Law School in 1968. His biography details his first marriage, and they give detailed descriptions of his three kids. The site states that his life as a public servant started when got elected to the New Castle County city council. His service for the citizens of Delaware can be traced this far.
The Barack Obama campaigns that now include Biden have often mocked Senator McCain for his age, and the amount of time he has been in DC. Well, Senator Biden has according to the Senate Democratic Policy Committee Office casted 12,635 votes in his career as a Senator. The Senate records indicate that this task has only gotten achieved by 28 other members which is quite an accomplishment, but I wonder if this isn’t too long of a career inside the Belt Way?
Senator Biden has attempted to run for the White House on two other occasions. He failed do to health reasons in 1987, and he just couldn’t get enough votes in 2007. All this can be found in the Senate’s web site as well.
It’s difficult to narrow down any specific bills he is renounced for. One of his areas of expertise is foreign policy according to his followers. Although he did engage in the debate which would have cut the funds for the members of the military who are fighting in the war on terror. His biography does state he encouraged a military strike on Kosovo in 1999. So I guess he is a foreign policy genius.
My opinion of Senator Biden isn’t very high. His political path highlights quite a Socialist view. He is also involved in the gigantic rip off which is the financial bail out I’ll address in a later post. He has often shown his ineptitude to deal with the political spot light with comments like “Hilary would have been a better choice than me.” This can be located along with many of his gaps in the Mark Levin Show web site. I wonder if choosing a Senator who takes the train home is better than a moose shooting mama. James.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A true VP choice.
Hello all, so many events have occurred since my last blog. I plan to resume where I left off though. I would like to offer my prayers and good wishes to all who were affected by Ike. I hope that all the areas in the path of the storm make a speedy recovery back to normality. The next two posts will detail the biographies of each Vice Presidential nominee. I am aware that the mainstream media has as usual chosen one of them as a target. I wonder how cold the Caribou Barbie really is.
Governor Sarah Palin was born on February 11, 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho. This according to her biography that can be found in the Alaska state web site. She grew up in Wasilla, Alaska. She graduated from Wasilla High School, and went on to attend the University of Idaho. Her biography details how she earned a Bachelor of Science in Communications Journalism. I guess it’s not as good as Princeton in some people’s view though.
Palin’s political history demonstrates her quick rise through the ranks. She served as a city council member in Wasilla from 1992 to 1996 as described in the Governor’s own web site. She also served as Mayor of Wasilla for two terms. So far this is more Executive experience than that of a community organizer I think as she stated in her speech as well at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul.
Governor Palin assumed her role as the current Governor of the state of Alaska on December 4, 2006. The state web site thoroughly describes the various committees she has participated in while Governor. This political campaign has seen many issues come to the surface. Some deal with sensitive topics like the war in Iraq, the environment, and our dependency on OPEC countries for black gold. Alaska has many resources and a close proximity to an old rival Russia.
Governor Palin’s first term marked the first legislative period in which a woman sat in the governor’s chair in Juneau. Two major legislative bills were passed during her first session. One deals with the overseeing of ethics in the legislature in Alaska, and another deals with the construction of a gas and oil pipe line that is environmentally friendly. As mentioned previously one of the concerns lingering in the minds of voters has to do with our current exportation of petroleum from regimes like Saudi Arabia. Governor Palin heads the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, a government agency comprised of several states, who work to preserve and harvest renewable resources found in the United States as stated in the Alaska state home page. I think a great approach toward minimizing our dependency for oil and natural gas from other countries.
I must express my thoughts about Governor Palin. Her Conservative politics are refreshing to hear especially when Congress is full of power hungry, dilapidated, and inept politicians. She will hold the deciding vote in the Senate if elected. Several members of Congress have demonstrated the capacity to fulfill their roles of public servants, but the majority starting at the top Speaker and Senate Majority Leader included has not. Another appealing quality of Governor Palin’s is her willingness to support the troops even when it’s not politically expedient to do so. I know that her son is now involved in the fighting, but she has an unblemished record when it comes to showing her appreciation towards the men and women in uniform. I also applaud her style of intellectually defeating media goons like Charlie Gipson.
I believe that Governor Palin is an excellent choice as VP for Senator McCain. I disagree with her global warming or climate change policies, but over all she is a solid choice. If individuals want to continue to question her based on the actions of her daughter, then I advise them to take a hike in the cold woods of Alaska. James.
Governor Sarah Palin was born on February 11, 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho. This according to her biography that can be found in the Alaska state web site. She grew up in Wasilla, Alaska. She graduated from Wasilla High School, and went on to attend the University of Idaho. Her biography details how she earned a Bachelor of Science in Communications Journalism. I guess it’s not as good as Princeton in some people’s view though.
Palin’s political history demonstrates her quick rise through the ranks. She served as a city council member in Wasilla from 1992 to 1996 as described in the Governor’s own web site. She also served as Mayor of Wasilla for two terms. So far this is more Executive experience than that of a community organizer I think as she stated in her speech as well at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul.
Governor Palin assumed her role as the current Governor of the state of Alaska on December 4, 2006. The state web site thoroughly describes the various committees she has participated in while Governor. This political campaign has seen many issues come to the surface. Some deal with sensitive topics like the war in Iraq, the environment, and our dependency on OPEC countries for black gold. Alaska has many resources and a close proximity to an old rival Russia.
Governor Palin’s first term marked the first legislative period in which a woman sat in the governor’s chair in Juneau. Two major legislative bills were passed during her first session. One deals with the overseeing of ethics in the legislature in Alaska, and another deals with the construction of a gas and oil pipe line that is environmentally friendly. As mentioned previously one of the concerns lingering in the minds of voters has to do with our current exportation of petroleum from regimes like Saudi Arabia. Governor Palin heads the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, a government agency comprised of several states, who work to preserve and harvest renewable resources found in the United States as stated in the Alaska state home page. I think a great approach toward minimizing our dependency for oil and natural gas from other countries.
I must express my thoughts about Governor Palin. Her Conservative politics are refreshing to hear especially when Congress is full of power hungry, dilapidated, and inept politicians. She will hold the deciding vote in the Senate if elected. Several members of Congress have demonstrated the capacity to fulfill their roles of public servants, but the majority starting at the top Speaker and Senate Majority Leader included has not. Another appealing quality of Governor Palin’s is her willingness to support the troops even when it’s not politically expedient to do so. I know that her son is now involved in the fighting, but she has an unblemished record when it comes to showing her appreciation towards the men and women in uniform. I also applaud her style of intellectually defeating media goons like Charlie Gipson.
I believe that Governor Palin is an excellent choice as VP for Senator McCain. I disagree with her global warming or climate change policies, but over all she is a solid choice. If individuals want to continue to question her based on the actions of her daughter, then I advise them to take a hike in the cold woods of Alaska. James.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Power hungry.
Hey all, I hope that everyone is doing well. The political race continues to get nasty. I just want to highlight the top events since my last blog.
Senator Obama has changed his stance on drilling off shore. He now supports most of it since is the popular band wagon to jump on. I believe this proves further how he exploits political efficiency rather than his own ideas. His party demonstrated how power hungry they are when they turned the power off the house to avoid legislation on off shore drilling. The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi when questioned about the reasoning behind the sudden departure hinted that they needed time to save the planet. As reported in an article in the Politico written by David Rogers, Pelosi explained her decision to frantically leave the House floor by saying “I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet,” She went on to say” I will not have this debate trivialized by their
excuse for their failed policy.” If Al gore saves our ozone and Pelosi preserves mankind’s existence: we'll be just jolly dandy. How about the speaker helps establish agenda items that will benefit us, and barack maintains a campaign how he really feels about issue based on his own heart not what best serves his popularity.
John McCain has demonstrated that when he wants to he can appeal to the core beliefs of the American people. I don't expect him to be perfect since no one is, but he needs to be consistent. I thought it was funny for him to joke about Cindy McCain participating in the contest part of the bike rally in WI. He needs to continue supporting ideas that will support our way of life, and he doesn’t need to explore his Gang of 14 any longer.
The last item I’ll address is oil prices. The price of oil has dropped to about $116 a barrel. It’s great to see a decrease in cost, but Americans can’t relax about insisting on drilling at home. Prices may seem to get better now, but if we don’t drill now $4 a gallon will seem cheap. Drilling at home has obviously encouraged other countries to increase supply, and it will make us a safer more prosperous country as well.
It’s amazing how much has occurred in the last few weeks. Some individuals have demonstrated their lack to change their stances even if it means an economic downfall of our country. I guess position and power means more to some than maintaining liberty alive. James.
Senator Obama has changed his stance on drilling off shore. He now supports most of it since is the popular band wagon to jump on. I believe this proves further how he exploits political efficiency rather than his own ideas. His party demonstrated how power hungry they are when they turned the power off the house to avoid legislation on off shore drilling. The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi when questioned about the reasoning behind the sudden departure hinted that they needed time to save the planet. As reported in an article in the Politico written by David Rogers, Pelosi explained her decision to frantically leave the House floor by saying “I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet,” She went on to say” I will not have this debate trivialized by their
excuse for their failed policy.” If Al gore saves our ozone and Pelosi preserves mankind’s existence: we'll be just jolly dandy. How about the speaker helps establish agenda items that will benefit us, and barack maintains a campaign how he really feels about issue based on his own heart not what best serves his popularity.
John McCain has demonstrated that when he wants to he can appeal to the core beliefs of the American people. I don't expect him to be perfect since no one is, but he needs to be consistent. I thought it was funny for him to joke about Cindy McCain participating in the contest part of the bike rally in WI. He needs to continue supporting ideas that will support our way of life, and he doesn’t need to explore his Gang of 14 any longer.
The last item I’ll address is oil prices. The price of oil has dropped to about $116 a barrel. It’s great to see a decrease in cost, but Americans can’t relax about insisting on drilling at home. Prices may seem to get better now, but if we don’t drill now $4 a gallon will seem cheap. Drilling at home has obviously encouraged other countries to increase supply, and it will make us a safer more prosperous country as well.
It’s amazing how much has occurred in the last few weeks. Some individuals have demonstrated their lack to change their stances even if it means an economic downfall of our country. I guess position and power means more to some than maintaining liberty alive. James.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Race again.
Hey all, another day gone by. The headline news deals with another racial remark made by one of the Presidential candidates in Missouri. Let’s move to substantive arguments not political games.
All the cable news networks have talked about how gas prices have dropped over the last two weeks. Thankfully this helps relieve some of the pressure for the average American. Drilling doesn’t seem to be in the minds of Congress any longer. It’s funny how much they claim to do for us, and yet they only talk not act.
Congress passed a Resolution asking for the forgiveness of the families of those who were slaves at the start of our history. I agree this was a just move, but why did it take this long for it to occur? Why does race continue to be an issue in this political race? Senator Obama continues to utilize racial remarks to generate resentment among possible voters.
In his tour through Missouri Barack Obama made some remarks responding to an add posted by the McCain campaign. The add depicts Barack as more of a celebrity rather than a leader. Senator Obama answered by using the race card once again. Reuters in an article posted today by John Whitesides quoted the Senator as saying
"'He's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. He doesn't look like all the presidents on the dollar bills,'" How does acting like a victim help his cause?
I am tired of race getting used to promote political agenda’s. I have never heard Senator McCain attack Obama based on his race, name, or heritage. Who cares what his skin color is. The point of the add is that Obama has achieved quite a bit without really having much of a track record at all. I disagree that people will care about his skin tone, or even about his name. People are afraid to vote for him do to his associations, track record in the Senate small as it is, and how he only seems to offer solutions which will hurt more than help.
Do you care about Senator Obama’s race? Do you care that he isn’t white like the past Presidents? Will this affect how you vote in November? If Senator Obama had the principles, character, and record that correspond with my values I would vote for him even if he was green. He doesn’t share my morals or political views so I wouldn’t vote for him regardless if his name was John Smith and was Irish. James.
All the cable news networks have talked about how gas prices have dropped over the last two weeks. Thankfully this helps relieve some of the pressure for the average American. Drilling doesn’t seem to be in the minds of Congress any longer. It’s funny how much they claim to do for us, and yet they only talk not act.
Congress passed a Resolution asking for the forgiveness of the families of those who were slaves at the start of our history. I agree this was a just move, but why did it take this long for it to occur? Why does race continue to be an issue in this political race? Senator Obama continues to utilize racial remarks to generate resentment among possible voters.
In his tour through Missouri Barack Obama made some remarks responding to an add posted by the McCain campaign. The add depicts Barack as more of a celebrity rather than a leader. Senator Obama answered by using the race card once again. Reuters in an article posted today by John Whitesides quoted the Senator as saying
"'He's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. He doesn't look like all the presidents on the dollar bills,'" How does acting like a victim help his cause?
I am tired of race getting used to promote political agenda’s. I have never heard Senator McCain attack Obama based on his race, name, or heritage. Who cares what his skin color is. The point of the add is that Obama has achieved quite a bit without really having much of a track record at all. I disagree that people will care about his skin tone, or even about his name. People are afraid to vote for him do to his associations, track record in the Senate small as it is, and how he only seems to offer solutions which will hurt more than help.
Do you care about Senator Obama’s race? Do you care that he isn’t white like the past Presidents? Will this affect how you vote in November? If Senator Obama had the principles, character, and record that correspond with my values I would vote for him even if he was green. He doesn’t share my morals or political views so I wouldn’t vote for him regardless if his name was John Smith and was Irish. James.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
American symbols?
Hey all, I hope your day is going well. Yesterday I posed the question about how much intrusion from the government would take. Today I am wondering how patience you are with governmental entities who are bothered with symbols of our own historical progress, but they are too keen to protect others emblems.
Many individuals have debated over how appropriate it is to have a cross on a Court room wall. A long struggle between parties ensued about the huge Ten Commandments hanging on the wall at the Georgia State Legislature. John Kerry got in trouble for complaining about Confederate flags that people place on their vehicles. People don’t complain if a sign commemorating Malcolm X Black Panther ways, encouraging illegal immigration, global warming, or even affirmative action.
I raise the issue do to a ruling rendered by the commissioners in Leesburg, Florida. The local 6 channel reported how the commissioners last month had complained that the 65 foot American flag hanging at the Cecil Clark Chevrolet dealership. The story quotes the city manager Jay Evans as saying "We love the American
Flag and we are patriotic but there are standards that are in place now and we need to talk about whether or not -- in the future -- those are the right
Standards to have." I wonder how much do standards would be questioned if it was a CAIR flag instead?
I understand that all cities have laws they need to enforce. Groups can’t be given special treatment for any reason what so ever logic now tells us. I am just tired of American symbol offending people, but someone who supports the breaking of the laws of this country isn’t even scrutinized. My only problem with the story was the American flag wasn’t 70 feet instead of 65. If you don’t like Old Glory I say go to North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, or any regime. Let me know how that goes.
Are you tired of people who aren’t comfortable supporting America? Do you think we should be able to display symbols like the Ten Commandments from the State Legislature without wondering who will get offended next? James.
Many individuals have debated over how appropriate it is to have a cross on a Court room wall. A long struggle between parties ensued about the huge Ten Commandments hanging on the wall at the Georgia State Legislature. John Kerry got in trouble for complaining about Confederate flags that people place on their vehicles. People don’t complain if a sign commemorating Malcolm X Black Panther ways, encouraging illegal immigration, global warming, or even affirmative action.
I raise the issue do to a ruling rendered by the commissioners in Leesburg, Florida. The local 6 channel reported how the commissioners last month had complained that the 65 foot American flag hanging at the Cecil Clark Chevrolet dealership. The story quotes the city manager Jay Evans as saying "We love the American
Flag and we are patriotic but there are standards that are in place now and we need to talk about whether or not -- in the future -- those are the right
Standards to have." I wonder how much do standards would be questioned if it was a CAIR flag instead?
I understand that all cities have laws they need to enforce. Groups can’t be given special treatment for any reason what so ever logic now tells us. I am just tired of American symbol offending people, but someone who supports the breaking of the laws of this country isn’t even scrutinized. My only problem with the story was the American flag wasn’t 70 feet instead of 65. If you don’t like Old Glory I say go to North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, or any regime. Let me know how that goes.
Are you tired of people who aren’t comfortable supporting America? Do you think we should be able to display symbols like the Ten Commandments from the State Legislature without wondering who will get offended next? James.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Global warming in the classroom?
Hey all, it’s another scorching day in Texas. I wonder if I would appreciate the heat more if I had gotten taught more about climate change, global warming, increase Earth heat moment, or whatever it’s called now days. Good job Governator.
State legislatures along with judicial members in all levels seem to urge deciding what our future is. They will promote their political agendas before they’ll do what’s best for their constituent’s, or even interpret the document they swore to up held. The latest example occurred in the radical state of California. Their state legislature attempted to pass a bill known as SB 908 as reported in the Mercury News today. This bill was another effort to indoctrinate children with the idea that we only have limited resources, and that our planet will go to hell in a hand basket. The article explains how school districts where going to teach climate change as a subject. More propaganda for the wacky environmentalists. Thankfully Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the measure. The article quotes him as saying
"I continue to believe that the state should refrain from being overly prescriptive in specific school curriculum, beyond establishing rigorous academic
I understand that the health of our planet is vital for human survival. Also, it’s clear based on the weather that the climate is changing. The climate has changed for thousands of years though. The planet Earth heats up when solar flairs are closer and it cools down when an ice age arrives. Children shouldn’t be forced to think that the only reason the AC needs to be cranked up is do to our bad habits. If I want to learn the facts about weather patterns I can look it up myself. I definitely don’t need a government ran agency to shove it down my throat or that of my kids when I have a family.
Do you care how far the government is trying to advertise their agendas? Do you think that more government is the answer? James.
State legislatures along with judicial members in all levels seem to urge deciding what our future is. They will promote their political agendas before they’ll do what’s best for their constituent’s, or even interpret the document they swore to up held. The latest example occurred in the radical state of California. Their state legislature attempted to pass a bill known as SB 908 as reported in the Mercury News today. This bill was another effort to indoctrinate children with the idea that we only have limited resources, and that our planet will go to hell in a hand basket. The article explains how school districts where going to teach climate change as a subject. More propaganda for the wacky environmentalists. Thankfully Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the measure. The article quotes him as saying
"I continue to believe that the state should refrain from being overly prescriptive in specific school curriculum, beyond establishing rigorous academic
I understand that the health of our planet is vital for human survival. Also, it’s clear based on the weather that the climate is changing. The climate has changed for thousands of years though. The planet Earth heats up when solar flairs are closer and it cools down when an ice age arrives. Children shouldn’t be forced to think that the only reason the AC needs to be cranked up is do to our bad habits. If I want to learn the facts about weather patterns I can look it up myself. I definitely don’t need a government ran agency to shove it down my throat or that of my kids when I have a family.
Do you care how far the government is trying to advertise their agendas? Do you think that more government is the answer? James.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Barack's absence.
Hey all, another weekend gone by. I want to address a critical issue when it comes to the campaign coverage. Does Barrack Obama care for anyone other than himself?
I have addressed how important a candidate’s character along with their principles and track record matter to me. If they are great politicians but have a questionable character, then I can’t trust them to represent my best interest. Barrack Obama made a grave error by choosing not to visit the troops in Berlin. I wonder if he only cares about the possibility that he might be the most powerful man in the world one day. God forbid!
In an article appearing in Reuters on July 24 a spoke person for Obama’s campaign responded to the criticism about his non visit at the Landstuhl treatment center. One of his National Security advisors Maj. General Scott Gration said
"Senator Obama had hoped to and had every intention of visiting our troops to express his appreciation and gratitude for their service to our country," He further said "Senator Obama did not want to have a trip to see our wounded warriors perceived as a campaign event when his visit was to show his appreciation for our
troops and decided instead not to go," The article highlights how the only specification the Pentagon had made to Obama’s campaign was to make sure if he visited the hospital as a Senator not as a candidate which is he originally traveled abroad along with several other politicians.
I think it’s convenient to excuse his visit by not wanting to draw attention to him if he had gone. He has repeatedly made a mockery of our armed forces. The lack of a flag pin on his lapel, his statements disqualifying the success of the surge, and now only extending his hand to troops only when the cameras were on. I don’t think anyone would have complained about his intentions if he would have spoken to the troops instead of a giant crowd in Berlin. If anyone did question his motives he could have reassured them how patriotism comes before political expediency. At last, he decided for the only option with the greatest reward for himself not the people he one day may represent.
Are you concern about his lack of ability to do what is right for someone other than himself? Are you bothered how different he seems when the cameras aren’t on? I hope that we don’t have a President who only responds to those pulling his strings. James.
I have addressed how important a candidate’s character along with their principles and track record matter to me. If they are great politicians but have a questionable character, then I can’t trust them to represent my best interest. Barrack Obama made a grave error by choosing not to visit the troops in Berlin. I wonder if he only cares about the possibility that he might be the most powerful man in the world one day. God forbid!
In an article appearing in Reuters on July 24 a spoke person for Obama’s campaign responded to the criticism about his non visit at the Landstuhl treatment center. One of his National Security advisors Maj. General Scott Gration said
"Senator Obama had hoped to and had every intention of visiting our troops to express his appreciation and gratitude for their service to our country," He further said "Senator Obama did not want to have a trip to see our wounded warriors perceived as a campaign event when his visit was to show his appreciation for our
troops and decided instead not to go," The article highlights how the only specification the Pentagon had made to Obama’s campaign was to make sure if he visited the hospital as a Senator not as a candidate which is he originally traveled abroad along with several other politicians.
I think it’s convenient to excuse his visit by not wanting to draw attention to him if he had gone. He has repeatedly made a mockery of our armed forces. The lack of a flag pin on his lapel, his statements disqualifying the success of the surge, and now only extending his hand to troops only when the cameras were on. I don’t think anyone would have complained about his intentions if he would have spoken to the troops instead of a giant crowd in Berlin. If anyone did question his motives he could have reassured them how patriotism comes before political expediency. At last, he decided for the only option with the greatest reward for himself not the people he one day may represent.
Are you concern about his lack of ability to do what is right for someone other than himself? Are you bothered how different he seems when the cameras aren’t on? I hope that we don’t have a President who only responds to those pulling his strings. James.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Official pets.
Hey all, I know that many politically charged headlines have surfaced in the past weeks. I would like to address a lighter topic though. Animals have often provided an aspect of innocence to those who hold office. How important does the heart of a person matter in politics?
The American political arena is usually characterized as intense similar to the now known mud slinging style. Individuals attacking each others characters often make the headlines of most news casts. Politician’s pets have helped personify each individual as more like me and you as opposed to that of an elitist.
I would like to highlight some of these individuals. The most famous instance happened when Richard Nixon used the dogs Checkers to depict himself as one who would do anything for his daughter. He managed to paint a picture that captured many hearts. Another grandiose moment occurred when a picture got taken of Caroline Kennedy in her riding gear standing firm next to her pony Macaroni as described in a Denver Post article from December 2007. The idea that a member of the Camelot family stood next to her favorite pony just reassured people how powerful the Kennedy family really was. In another instance, Buddy the dog might have saved Bill Clinton’s political image.
Bill Clinton’s presidency was full of scandals. The most famous of these includes the Lewinsky debacle. He is famous for shrinking the military budget, signing NAFTA, not taking Osama from the Saudi’s, and many failed policies. He did gain some notoriety even throughout the Lewinsky scandal through Buddy the dog. Buddy stood out as a sweet member of the Clinton family. Many jokes were made using him as a punch line. When he died as CNN reports it many felt sorry since Buddy got struck by a moving vehicle. Everyone cared for that dog no matter their political views, or how they regard former President Clinton.
Finally in 2004 John Kerry’s anecdote about saving a hamster from the bottom of a river made it a less credible Presidential campaign for him. His daughters recounted a story in which Senator Kerry rescued their precious hamster whose cage had fallen from their boat. Many still believe that this helped punch a final hole sending his campaign to sink during the election in 2004. Especially since it seemed like he tried to appeal to voters with this heroic effort.
I have had to retire my guide dog that I have had the honor of working with for three years. It broke my heart to make the decision to no longer allow her to use her God given gift of helping me travel. I understand how much animals impact a person who becomes attached to one. They can indicate how much kindness a person has in their character. Does tale’s like the Kerry hamster impact how you normally vote in an election? How a person deals with their pets indicate anything about their character to you especially when their in a position of power. If any of the current Presidential candidates demonstrated how much they loved their pets would it appeal to you? Senator McCain has several pets, but Senator Obama doesn’t have any. James.
The American political arena is usually characterized as intense similar to the now known mud slinging style. Individuals attacking each others characters often make the headlines of most news casts. Politician’s pets have helped personify each individual as more like me and you as opposed to that of an elitist.
I would like to highlight some of these individuals. The most famous instance happened when Richard Nixon used the dogs Checkers to depict himself as one who would do anything for his daughter. He managed to paint a picture that captured many hearts. Another grandiose moment occurred when a picture got taken of Caroline Kennedy in her riding gear standing firm next to her pony Macaroni as described in a Denver Post article from December 2007. The idea that a member of the Camelot family stood next to her favorite pony just reassured people how powerful the Kennedy family really was. In another instance, Buddy the dog might have saved Bill Clinton’s political image.
Bill Clinton’s presidency was full of scandals. The most famous of these includes the Lewinsky debacle. He is famous for shrinking the military budget, signing NAFTA, not taking Osama from the Saudi’s, and many failed policies. He did gain some notoriety even throughout the Lewinsky scandal through Buddy the dog. Buddy stood out as a sweet member of the Clinton family. Many jokes were made using him as a punch line. When he died as CNN reports it many felt sorry since Buddy got struck by a moving vehicle. Everyone cared for that dog no matter their political views, or how they regard former President Clinton.
Finally in 2004 John Kerry’s anecdote about saving a hamster from the bottom of a river made it a less credible Presidential campaign for him. His daughters recounted a story in which Senator Kerry rescued their precious hamster whose cage had fallen from their boat. Many still believe that this helped punch a final hole sending his campaign to sink during the election in 2004. Especially since it seemed like he tried to appeal to voters with this heroic effort.
I have had to retire my guide dog that I have had the honor of working with for three years. It broke my heart to make the decision to no longer allow her to use her God given gift of helping me travel. I understand how much animals impact a person who becomes attached to one. They can indicate how much kindness a person has in their character. Does tale’s like the Kerry hamster impact how you normally vote in an election? How a person deals with their pets indicate anything about their character to you especially when their in a position of power. If any of the current Presidential candidates demonstrated how much they loved their pets would it appeal to you? Senator McCain has several pets, but Senator Obama doesn’t have any. James.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hey all, the Middle East sure has captures most of the headline news today. I want to address the trial of an individual captured fighting against the free world.
Today marks the first day in the trial of Salim Ahmed Hamdan in the military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Hamdan is accused of participating in terrorist activities in 2001. He use to be the personal driver and mechanic for Osama bin Laden. According to a story published in Reuters reports that his defense attorneys say he was never a terrorist. Also, they claim he was simply trying to make a living when he chauffeured the Al Qaeda leader. Their biggest defense states that most of the evidence compiled against Hamdan occurred through the torturous techniques imposed on him by interrogators. The story describes the members of the jury as 13 military officers who will be dwindled down to 5 who will decide his future.
It’s just too bad that a guy who coveted a man who swore to kill all Americans and the American way of life got treated harshly. I guess he was expecting a trip to Universal Studios instead. I’m sorry Mr. Hamdan that you lived in a prison with other scum bags that were captured in the battle field. I wish that he would have received the treatment of shoot first ask later instead.
Why are we criticize for using necessary means for interrogation, but when one of our soldiers gets manhandled well too bad for them. Some people even think that they wouldn’t treat us so harshly if we received their fighters kindly. I am tired of stupid rules that interfere with the progress the military can make in the battle field. If Mr. Hamdan didn’t want to be sent to a prison that provides him with 3 square meals along with accommodating him with religious materials he should have stayed in Yemen. You don’t really think that he was trusted with any important information about Al qaeda since he only drove bin Laden around do you? I hope they were able to squeeze all the vital information out of him. I don’t care for anymore innocent people dying for a cause that doesn’t spare anyone who doesn’t submit to their agenda. I hope he is stuck with Big Bubba for the rest of his natural life. I wonder how much he will like sharing a bunk with someone who doesn’t have to play by any rules.
I don’t advocate for a military without rules, but I do wish that human rights groups would stop sticking their noses in the wrong place. American forces have to deal with an enemy without uniform, character, or any willingness to stop. I say if they don’t want more interrogations to happen, if they don’t want for the scum bags to answer necessary questions, and then kill all the terrorists. Those who try to kill the innocent, demoralize the weak, and conquer those who are different from them don’t deserve a second chance. All I have to say about that is soldier continue to kick Al Qaeda’s butt. James.
Today marks the first day in the trial of Salim Ahmed Hamdan in the military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Hamdan is accused of participating in terrorist activities in 2001. He use to be the personal driver and mechanic for Osama bin Laden. According to a story published in Reuters reports that his defense attorneys say he was never a terrorist. Also, they claim he was simply trying to make a living when he chauffeured the Al Qaeda leader. Their biggest defense states that most of the evidence compiled against Hamdan occurred through the torturous techniques imposed on him by interrogators. The story describes the members of the jury as 13 military officers who will be dwindled down to 5 who will decide his future.
It’s just too bad that a guy who coveted a man who swore to kill all Americans and the American way of life got treated harshly. I guess he was expecting a trip to Universal Studios instead. I’m sorry Mr. Hamdan that you lived in a prison with other scum bags that were captured in the battle field. I wish that he would have received the treatment of shoot first ask later instead.
Why are we criticize for using necessary means for interrogation, but when one of our soldiers gets manhandled well too bad for them. Some people even think that they wouldn’t treat us so harshly if we received their fighters kindly. I am tired of stupid rules that interfere with the progress the military can make in the battle field. If Mr. Hamdan didn’t want to be sent to a prison that provides him with 3 square meals along with accommodating him with religious materials he should have stayed in Yemen. You don’t really think that he was trusted with any important information about Al qaeda since he only drove bin Laden around do you? I hope they were able to squeeze all the vital information out of him. I don’t care for anymore innocent people dying for a cause that doesn’t spare anyone who doesn’t submit to their agenda. I hope he is stuck with Big Bubba for the rest of his natural life. I wonder how much he will like sharing a bunk with someone who doesn’t have to play by any rules.
I don’t advocate for a military without rules, but I do wish that human rights groups would stop sticking their noses in the wrong place. American forces have to deal with an enemy without uniform, character, or any willingness to stop. I say if they don’t want more interrogations to happen, if they don’t want for the scum bags to answer necessary questions, and then kill all the terrorists. Those who try to kill the innocent, demoralize the weak, and conquer those who are different from them don’t deserve a second chance. All I have to say about that is soldier continue to kick Al Qaeda’s butt. James.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Let's drill.
Hey all, prices continue to rise at the gas pump. The President has taken the right approach, but Congress still remains unmoved.
It’s been established through polls and surveys that most Americans now believe that exploring our own oil resources will eliminate our dependency of oil from countries like Saudi Arabia. Most OPEC leading countries aren’t sympathetic when petroleum prices are through the roof as long as their pockets are filled with dollars. President Bush took the proper step by lifting an executive ban that had been placed on off shore drilling sites. Good job President Bush. I think that if we use our resources of oil and natural gas it would get oil prices to drop, our economy would receive a much needed boost, the dollar would regain some value, and some jobs would be created based on the demand of the industry. Politicians in Congress have divided themselves along ideological lines to see who can either stand up to those huge oil companies, or those who think we’ll be broke if we remain at the mercy of OPEC.
The President said “This means the
only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action by the U.S. Congress,” as reported on an article by Daniel Whitten. I hope that Congress feels the pressure to do the right thing. It seems like people are complaining, but they aren’t doing anything about it. People in Congress need to know who they are representing. They can’t impose their own agenda’s and sacrifice the future of this country.
Both of the major Presidential candidates responded to the President’s actions. Whitten reports how Bill Burton a spoke person in Senator Obama’s campaign reacted to the news. He said
``If offshore drilling would provide short-term relief at the pump or a long-term strategy for energy independence, it would be worthy of our consideration,
regardless of the risks. But most experts, even within the Bush administration, concede it would do neither.” I thought we could use the time we used our own oil to develop other sources of energy not crush the economy even further. Senator McCain reiterated his position of allowing off shore drilling at home. Well, I guess we know who cares more about part of the economy.
Do you care for drilling at home, or are you more worried about Winnie de Poo loosing his habitat? Do you think that drilling at home is a good short or long term answer? James.
It’s been established through polls and surveys that most Americans now believe that exploring our own oil resources will eliminate our dependency of oil from countries like Saudi Arabia. Most OPEC leading countries aren’t sympathetic when petroleum prices are through the roof as long as their pockets are filled with dollars. President Bush took the proper step by lifting an executive ban that had been placed on off shore drilling sites. Good job President Bush. I think that if we use our resources of oil and natural gas it would get oil prices to drop, our economy would receive a much needed boost, the dollar would regain some value, and some jobs would be created based on the demand of the industry. Politicians in Congress have divided themselves along ideological lines to see who can either stand up to those huge oil companies, or those who think we’ll be broke if we remain at the mercy of OPEC.
The President said “This means the
only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action by the U.S. Congress,” as reported on an article by Daniel Whitten. I hope that Congress feels the pressure to do the right thing. It seems like people are complaining, but they aren’t doing anything about it. People in Congress need to know who they are representing. They can’t impose their own agenda’s and sacrifice the future of this country.
Both of the major Presidential candidates responded to the President’s actions. Whitten reports how Bill Burton a spoke person in Senator Obama’s campaign reacted to the news. He said
``If offshore drilling would provide short-term relief at the pump or a long-term strategy for energy independence, it would be worthy of our consideration,
regardless of the risks. But most experts, even within the Bush administration, concede it would do neither.” I thought we could use the time we used our own oil to develop other sources of energy not crush the economy even further. Senator McCain reiterated his position of allowing off shore drilling at home. Well, I guess we know who cares more about part of the economy.
Do you care for drilling at home, or are you more worried about Winnie de Poo loosing his habitat? Do you think that drilling at home is a good short or long term answer? James.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hey all, I will keep this post brief. It’s Friday time to recognize some of the great individuals who are part of our society.
I would like to thank those men and women who served during the Vietnam War. I know from every historical document available that those at home didn’t welcome you back home kindly. I don’t care about politics if you serve my country. Thank you for your service during a difficult time culturally, socially, and politically. I know media outlets influenced the end result of the conflict even more so than the brave actions of those who served. I now say to you welcome home soldier, and please let me serve you if I am able to do so.
If you have someone you would like to recognize please leave a comment. I plan every Friday to highlight a particular group or individual who stands out for obvious reasons. James.
I would like to thank those men and women who served during the Vietnam War. I know from every historical document available that those at home didn’t welcome you back home kindly. I don’t care about politics if you serve my country. Thank you for your service during a difficult time culturally, socially, and politically. I know media outlets influenced the end result of the conflict even more so than the brave actions of those who served. I now say to you welcome home soldier, and please let me serve you if I am able to do so.
If you have someone you would like to recognize please leave a comment. I plan every Friday to highlight a particular group or individual who stands out for obvious reasons. James.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Iran taunts the rest of the world.
Hey all, international news sure captured the headlines today. I want to specifically address the Iranian attempt at daring any country to attack it. I wonder which Presidential candidate would make America safer in case Ahmadinejad woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Yesterday using their state censored television Iran reportedly launched nine missiles. It was just a test supposedly in case Israel dared attacking Iran, or even if Uncle Sam told Ahmadinejad to take a long swim in the Persian Gulf. In an article by Allan Cowell from the Associated Press Iran’s 9 missiles included an improved version of the Shahad-3. This missile has a range of up to 1,250 miles according to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard quote in the article. It might just be a “reported” incident, but the idea that Iran has enough guts to launch 9 missiles worries me. If they are willing to test long range missiles for no reason as some argue why show the whole world their capabilities? I guess the nuclear bomb is just one of Ahmadinejad toys he likes to play with? Wake up. If Iran isn’t dealt with properly soon, then we might just be Ahmadinejad’s play ground.
It’s important to know how the future leaders of the United States reacted to Iran’s taunting. Senator Obama calls for more economic sanctions along with tougher diplomatic tactics as reported today by the Associated Press. I guess telling Iran to stop it and asking them to stop being naughty will surely end all possible conflicts. Senator McCain reacted by saying “"Working with our European and regional allies is the best way to meet the threat posed by Iran, not unilateral concessions that undermine multilateral
diplomacy," McCain called for a missile shield in Europe along with the deployment of some troops to strategic countries like Poland.
I completely agree with Senator McCain on this issue. Diplomacy should always get exploited to its fullest potential, and the military shouldn’t get used until it’s necessary to do so. Innocent lives can’t get lost do to a rash political decision. I don’t agree that talking to Iran will decrease their willingness to strike Israel or even America. Economic sanctions hurt the innocent people of Iran more than the government as they are the one’s who don’t get aid from other countries. They are the ones who suffer the harsh laws imposed by their governments. We can’t sit back take it easy and only react after it’s too late. If Russia was almost willing to blow us to pieces in the Cold War Iran might be more willing to do the job themselves. How do you feel about Iran’s launching? Does the reaction of Obama or McCain affect your thoughts about the future of this country? All I have to say is God Bless America. James.
Yesterday using their state censored television Iran reportedly launched nine missiles. It was just a test supposedly in case Israel dared attacking Iran, or even if Uncle Sam told Ahmadinejad to take a long swim in the Persian Gulf. In an article by Allan Cowell from the Associated Press Iran’s 9 missiles included an improved version of the Shahad-3. This missile has a range of up to 1,250 miles according to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard quote in the article. It might just be a “reported” incident, but the idea that Iran has enough guts to launch 9 missiles worries me. If they are willing to test long range missiles for no reason as some argue why show the whole world their capabilities? I guess the nuclear bomb is just one of Ahmadinejad toys he likes to play with? Wake up. If Iran isn’t dealt with properly soon, then we might just be Ahmadinejad’s play ground.
It’s important to know how the future leaders of the United States reacted to Iran’s taunting. Senator Obama calls for more economic sanctions along with tougher diplomatic tactics as reported today by the Associated Press. I guess telling Iran to stop it and asking them to stop being naughty will surely end all possible conflicts. Senator McCain reacted by saying “"Working with our European and regional allies is the best way to meet the threat posed by Iran, not unilateral concessions that undermine multilateral
diplomacy," McCain called for a missile shield in Europe along with the deployment of some troops to strategic countries like Poland.
I completely agree with Senator McCain on this issue. Diplomacy should always get exploited to its fullest potential, and the military shouldn’t get used until it’s necessary to do so. Innocent lives can’t get lost do to a rash political decision. I don’t agree that talking to Iran will decrease their willingness to strike Israel or even America. Economic sanctions hurt the innocent people of Iran more than the government as they are the one’s who don’t get aid from other countries. They are the ones who suffer the harsh laws imposed by their governments. We can’t sit back take it easy and only react after it’s too late. If Russia was almost willing to blow us to pieces in the Cold War Iran might be more willing to do the job themselves. How do you feel about Iran’s launching? Does the reaction of Obama or McCain affect your thoughts about the future of this country? All I have to say is God Bless America. James.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
War of words.
Hey all, I want to rehash some old news. In previous posts both Presidential candidates’ qualifications have been addressed. Also, each candidate’s weakness has gotten exposed. I would like to address an idiotic comment made by a former military leader.
In 2004 many critics remarked about President’s Bush military record. Senator John Kerry was revered for his service during the Vietnam conflict. I thank Senator Kerry for his service, but his military record makes him admirable not more politically qualified to be President. Dan Rather lost his job as the anchor as CBS evening news as a result of the forgery of President Bush’s National Guard papers. Many Democrats considered Kerry more qualified since he had served his country actively. Man, they changed their minds quickly.
General Wesley Clark did an interview on Face the Nation. He was asked about how he felt regarding John McCain’s military record since it often comes up in political circles. General Clark said “He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large
squadron in the Navy that he commanded — that wasn't a wartime squadron,”He also added
“I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.” Really I guess he is qualified to make that comment though?
General Wesley Clark has some logic to his statement, but his reasoning makes no sense. Politically I have a few disagreements with Senator McCain. Some of his policies aren’t consistent, but I think his military record makes him more experienced when it comes to national security. He served his country valiantly without any regard to his own well being. If Senator McCain commitment to his country doesn’t make him qualified as an individual for President. I want to know what makes Senator Obama eligible for the White House. Senator Obama started as a community activist which is not as dangerous as the jungle in Vietnam. Senator McCain sat in a prisoners of war camp and didn’t leave early even though his Dad was an important man in the military. Senator Obama at that time hung out with former Weather man Bill Airs.
Why does political expediency seem so comforting to some people. I know that politically both candidates are unpredictable especially when it comes to domestic issues. I would rather have a man who has the cajones to stand up to Iran, fight terrorists, and not one who will do what is right strictly to please his party. I thank General Clark for his service, but he should keep his mouth shut. Although Obama has stayed clear from this comment: Clark clearly reflects his party’s doctrine. Does John McCain’s record matter to you? How much does his brave service impact your chances for you to vote for him? James.
In 2004 many critics remarked about President’s Bush military record. Senator John Kerry was revered for his service during the Vietnam conflict. I thank Senator Kerry for his service, but his military record makes him admirable not more politically qualified to be President. Dan Rather lost his job as the anchor as CBS evening news as a result of the forgery of President Bush’s National Guard papers. Many Democrats considered Kerry more qualified since he had served his country actively. Man, they changed their minds quickly.
General Wesley Clark did an interview on Face the Nation. He was asked about how he felt regarding John McCain’s military record since it often comes up in political circles. General Clark said “He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large
squadron in the Navy that he commanded — that wasn't a wartime squadron,”He also added
“I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.” Really I guess he is qualified to make that comment though?
General Wesley Clark has some logic to his statement, but his reasoning makes no sense. Politically I have a few disagreements with Senator McCain. Some of his policies aren’t consistent, but I think his military record makes him more experienced when it comes to national security. He served his country valiantly without any regard to his own well being. If Senator McCain commitment to his country doesn’t make him qualified as an individual for President. I want to know what makes Senator Obama eligible for the White House. Senator Obama started as a community activist which is not as dangerous as the jungle in Vietnam. Senator McCain sat in a prisoners of war camp and didn’t leave early even though his Dad was an important man in the military. Senator Obama at that time hung out with former Weather man Bill Airs.
Why does political expediency seem so comforting to some people. I know that politically both candidates are unpredictable especially when it comes to domestic issues. I would rather have a man who has the cajones to stand up to Iran, fight terrorists, and not one who will do what is right strictly to please his party. I thank General Clark for his service, but he should keep his mouth shut. Although Obama has stayed clear from this comment: Clark clearly reflects his party’s doctrine. Does John McCain’s record matter to you? How much does his brave service impact your chances for you to vote for him? James.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Our and Uncle Sam's day.
Hey all, I want to dedicate my next two posts in celebration of Independence Day. Many individuals have contributed to the development of America as a nation. Let’s thank them all.
America has a rich history based on the struggles that we have overcome as a nation. Our society is comprised of individuals from all over the world. This shows how maintaining our culture has enhanced our nation’s diversity. Many individuals in numerous ways have contributed their lives, intellect, and ideas in order to sustain such a wonderful country.
I want to thank every soldier who has ever served in the United States armed forces. Thank you for dedicating your time, valor, loyalty, and even lives so Old Glory can continue to wave. I salute you now and always.
I want to say how lucky I feel to live in a country with such an extraordinary founding document. The Founding Fathers made it possible for us to enjoy a free and joyous life. Their words changed what a democratic government was.
I want to thank any emergency responder who has help keep all citizens safe. Thank you to all Americans that help make this country what it is. Lastly, I want to thank God for blessing everyone who calls America home. I want to thank God for giving me the chance of pursuing my dreams, and I know that no matter what my political views are I won’t get killed for expressing them based on where I live. I hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed, and enjoyable weekend. James.
America has a rich history based on the struggles that we have overcome as a nation. Our society is comprised of individuals from all over the world. This shows how maintaining our culture has enhanced our nation’s diversity. Many individuals in numerous ways have contributed their lives, intellect, and ideas in order to sustain such a wonderful country.
I want to thank every soldier who has ever served in the United States armed forces. Thank you for dedicating your time, valor, loyalty, and even lives so Old Glory can continue to wave. I salute you now and always.
I want to say how lucky I feel to live in a country with such an extraordinary founding document. The Founding Fathers made it possible for us to enjoy a free and joyous life. Their words changed what a democratic government was.
I want to thank any emergency responder who has help keep all citizens safe. Thank you to all Americans that help make this country what it is. Lastly, I want to thank God for blessing everyone who calls America home. I want to thank God for giving me the chance of pursuing my dreams, and I know that no matter what my political views are I won’t get killed for expressing them based on where I live. I hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed, and enjoyable weekend. James.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Election trouble in the dark continent.
Hey all, often most news coverage in America revolves around domestic issues, or if it’s coverage of international news most of it deals with the negative coverage of the war on terror. I want to know why issues aren’t regarding Africa even discussed.
Zimbabwe just held its most current election. This country has struggled through a cycle of violence for a long time. Reports last month starting surfacing about attacks on individuals who had enough guts to vote against Robert Mugabe. Mugabe a self proclaimed hero has ruled over Zimbabwe since 1987 according to an article published by the BBC. People were targeted if they decided to vote against Mr. Mugabe during the run off election. The candidate who had to back down from being part of the ballot Morgan Tsvangirai after accepting defeat based on not having the opportunity to have his name on the ballot said "We in the MDC have resolved that we will no longer participate in this violent,
Illegitimate ... sham of an election process.”
I find it sad for individuals not to have the chance who their government officials are. One of my concerns also derives from the individuals who control all of the resources available in countries like Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe in their home page states that 30 deposits of various minerals exist throughout the numerous regions of Zimbabwe. Also, their close proximity to other naturally rich countries makes them a great trading ally. My biggest concern is that these countries are highly neglected, and this can potentially create a national security problem for the United States. Somalia another African country already proved this point once. The idea some individuals of attacking the West as a way of compensating for most Zimbabwean’s impoverish state could be fatal. Also, it’s difficult to reach out to many African natives as some organizations like the UN only threaten sanctions against violent dictators without really doing anything about it like Sudan.
Do you believe that establishing a more democratic Africa would benefit us? Should we care about events like the Zimbabwe election since many already chastise America as practicing “big brother” policies? James.
Zimbabwe just held its most current election. This country has struggled through a cycle of violence for a long time. Reports last month starting surfacing about attacks on individuals who had enough guts to vote against Robert Mugabe. Mugabe a self proclaimed hero has ruled over Zimbabwe since 1987 according to an article published by the BBC. People were targeted if they decided to vote against Mr. Mugabe during the run off election. The candidate who had to back down from being part of the ballot Morgan Tsvangirai after accepting defeat based on not having the opportunity to have his name on the ballot said "We in the MDC have resolved that we will no longer participate in this violent,
Illegitimate ... sham of an election process.”
I find it sad for individuals not to have the chance who their government officials are. One of my concerns also derives from the individuals who control all of the resources available in countries like Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe in their home page states that 30 deposits of various minerals exist throughout the numerous regions of Zimbabwe. Also, their close proximity to other naturally rich countries makes them a great trading ally. My biggest concern is that these countries are highly neglected, and this can potentially create a national security problem for the United States. Somalia another African country already proved this point once. The idea some individuals of attacking the West as a way of compensating for most Zimbabwean’s impoverish state could be fatal. Also, it’s difficult to reach out to many African natives as some organizations like the UN only threaten sanctions against violent dictators without really doing anything about it like Sudan.
Do you believe that establishing a more democratic Africa would benefit us? Should we care about events like the Zimbabwe election since many already chastise America as practicing “big brother” policies? James.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Both candidates.
Hey all, I hope you have another great weekend. The campaign trail has simmered down. Both major candidates have put on the velvet gloves, and a lack of substantive debate has resulted from it. It’s time to clarify some personal information about both Presidential candidates so it’s clear that future posts are based on an ideological differences not a personal disagreement with the candidate.
Barack Obama is a Muslim? According to his biography posted on the United States Senate’s web site he belongs to the United Church of Christ. Barack Hussein Sr. was born in Kenya, and he is a practicing Muslim. The Senator from Illinois did attend a Muslim school in Jackarta at the age of 6 according to C-Span. He also attended a Catholic school for two years. One of the reasons people wonder about his religious affiliation has to do with his oath after getting elected to the United States Senate. I want to correct a previous post. Senator Barack Obama didn’t use a Koran as part of the swearing in ceremony. Representative Keith Ellison from MN did use one according to an article found in the Washington Post. A reader alerted me to the mistake in a previous post. Many do wonder if the time he spent in Jakarta impacted his views on foreign policies. I don’t think dwelling on his religion matters, but it’s difficult to understand what his personal beliefs are with all the different affiliations he has. His political record deserves more scrutiny than his own faith.
John McCain signed the Mayflower Compact? Many jokes have been made about Senator McCain’s age. John Sidney McCain was born on August 29, 1936 in Coco Solo Naval Air Station near the Panama Canal. His age makes it more critical for him to choose a running mate who can attract more Conservatives since it’s a demanding job to be the most powerful man in the free world. Also, if the Senator suffered any health complications do to his age, then it’s obvious who would be in charge. His health hasn’t failed yet: even after his long military record.
Barack got his education from learning how to survive in the hood? Senator Obama attended Columbia University where he earned an under graduates degree, and later on he received his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1991 according to the United States Senate web site. I guess he didn’t have to get his education from a tiny college since he was so deprived. I’m sure that most of his values reflect the philosophies of elites in the academic world.
Senator McCain has always received the support of Conservatives? Senator McCain lost the Republican nomination to President Bush in 2004. Many Conservatives like me have a difficult time making a connection with him. He has made strides to appeal to the base of the party, but his record scares many.
It was important to address some of the misconceptions people had about both Presidential candidates. It’s important to address the ideology of politicians, but that can only happen when all the facts are known about the person. Do you feel uncertain about either candidates based on their record or background? Does the religion of the next President matter to you? James.
Barack Obama is a Muslim? According to his biography posted on the United States Senate’s web site he belongs to the United Church of Christ. Barack Hussein Sr. was born in Kenya, and he is a practicing Muslim. The Senator from Illinois did attend a Muslim school in Jackarta at the age of 6 according to C-Span. He also attended a Catholic school for two years. One of the reasons people wonder about his religious affiliation has to do with his oath after getting elected to the United States Senate. I want to correct a previous post. Senator Barack Obama didn’t use a Koran as part of the swearing in ceremony. Representative Keith Ellison from MN did use one according to an article found in the Washington Post. A reader alerted me to the mistake in a previous post. Many do wonder if the time he spent in Jakarta impacted his views on foreign policies. I don’t think dwelling on his religion matters, but it’s difficult to understand what his personal beliefs are with all the different affiliations he has. His political record deserves more scrutiny than his own faith.
John McCain signed the Mayflower Compact? Many jokes have been made about Senator McCain’s age. John Sidney McCain was born on August 29, 1936 in Coco Solo Naval Air Station near the Panama Canal. His age makes it more critical for him to choose a running mate who can attract more Conservatives since it’s a demanding job to be the most powerful man in the free world. Also, if the Senator suffered any health complications do to his age, then it’s obvious who would be in charge. His health hasn’t failed yet: even after his long military record.
Barack got his education from learning how to survive in the hood? Senator Obama attended Columbia University where he earned an under graduates degree, and later on he received his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1991 according to the United States Senate web site. I guess he didn’t have to get his education from a tiny college since he was so deprived. I’m sure that most of his values reflect the philosophies of elites in the academic world.
Senator McCain has always received the support of Conservatives? Senator McCain lost the Republican nomination to President Bush in 2004. Many Conservatives like me have a difficult time making a connection with him. He has made strides to appeal to the base of the party, but his record scares many.
It was important to address some of the misconceptions people had about both Presidential candidates. It’s important to address the ideology of politicians, but that can only happen when all the facts are known about the person. Do you feel uncertain about either candidates based on their record or background? Does the religion of the next President matter to you? James.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Celebrities stupid comments.
Hey all, another great day in America. Well, I want to address some points that several celebrities have talked about in various media sources.
One of the greatest advantages of living in America consists in our Constitutional right to free speech. We can say anything we like within reason without fear of getting reprimanded by law enforcement. I think it’s great that all view points are able to form part of the American way. Why do celebrities who have done so well, and have benefited from this type of Democracy made statements which would give the opposite image about this country.
I want to clarify that I don’t think we are a perfect country. No country or individual will ever be perfect, but we have it better than many around the world. Race seems to be the most popular topic when it comes to stupid celebrity comments. For instance, singer Alitia Keys in the may issue of Blender magazine said “`Gangsta rap’ was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. `Gangsta rap’ didn’t exist.” Last I check blacks promote gangster wrap as an art form. The majority of popular hip hop artists sell records with music that contain strong language. I could careless what some songs say, but it doesn’t take a genius to understand how certain opinions are formed. Uncle Sam didn’t create a cultural phenomenon to commit genocide on a particular race. Last I check some of the most successful people in this country who are black are doing quite well like Barack Obama. Race doesn’t matter to most American, but it does seem to matter to some elitist.
Another stupid comment was made by wrapper Will Smith when he appeared on the Today Show. He said “You know I just, I just came back from Moscow, Berlin, London and Paris and it’s the first, I’ve been there quite a few times in the past five
to 10 years. And it just hasn’t been a good thing to be American. And this is the first time, since Barack has gotten the nomination, that it, it was a
good thing” America doesn’t have a better reputation around the world since Barack got nominated. Why so much emphasizes on race. Who cares what race he is? I don’t agree with his ideologies, his approach, or his political tactics. Why do so many celebrities make such outlandish comments?
It’s clear that in the past blacks were segregated for a long time. Thankfully those times are part of America’s history not present. I don’t care about race, gender, or religion as long as the person supports this country. If life is so difficult for you and you don’t like our culture live elsewhere. Are you tired of the racial reference made throughout the election campaign season? I know race doesn’t matter since if anything where to happen the decisions made by the President won’t be based on their skin color instead they’ll be based on his principles and core values. I hope people are able to distinguish between political attacks and bad attempts at entertainment. Do you care if celebrities make comments like that of Will Smith or Alitia Keys? James.
One of the greatest advantages of living in America consists in our Constitutional right to free speech. We can say anything we like within reason without fear of getting reprimanded by law enforcement. I think it’s great that all view points are able to form part of the American way. Why do celebrities who have done so well, and have benefited from this type of Democracy made statements which would give the opposite image about this country.
I want to clarify that I don’t think we are a perfect country. No country or individual will ever be perfect, but we have it better than many around the world. Race seems to be the most popular topic when it comes to stupid celebrity comments. For instance, singer Alitia Keys in the may issue of Blender magazine said “`Gangsta rap’ was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. `Gangsta rap’ didn’t exist.” Last I check blacks promote gangster wrap as an art form. The majority of popular hip hop artists sell records with music that contain strong language. I could careless what some songs say, but it doesn’t take a genius to understand how certain opinions are formed. Uncle Sam didn’t create a cultural phenomenon to commit genocide on a particular race. Last I check some of the most successful people in this country who are black are doing quite well like Barack Obama. Race doesn’t matter to most American, but it does seem to matter to some elitist.
Another stupid comment was made by wrapper Will Smith when he appeared on the Today Show. He said “You know I just, I just came back from Moscow, Berlin, London and Paris and it’s the first, I’ve been there quite a few times in the past five
to 10 years. And it just hasn’t been a good thing to be American. And this is the first time, since Barack has gotten the nomination, that it, it was a
good thing” America doesn’t have a better reputation around the world since Barack got nominated. Why so much emphasizes on race. Who cares what race he is? I don’t agree with his ideologies, his approach, or his political tactics. Why do so many celebrities make such outlandish comments?
It’s clear that in the past blacks were segregated for a long time. Thankfully those times are part of America’s history not present. I don’t care about race, gender, or religion as long as the person supports this country. If life is so difficult for you and you don’t like our culture live elsewhere. Are you tired of the racial reference made throughout the election campaign season? I know race doesn’t matter since if anything where to happen the decisions made by the President won’t be based on their skin color instead they’ll be based on his principles and core values. I hope people are able to distinguish between political attacks and bad attempts at entertainment. Do you care if celebrities make comments like that of Will Smith or Alitia Keys? James.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
What's your top price?
Hey all, I want to say that I am glad that our voices are getting heard by Congress. Several attempts have been made to initiate drilling at home, and some officials have changed their stances on oil rising from our own wells. Thank God for phones with obnoxious ringers.
Another day passes by with gas prices rising. The last few weeks highlight how much countries like Saudi Arabia really care about pumping more oil so we can use it. It’s time to smack the royal pocket book shut. They won’t increase production at all, but they’ll happily continue to rake money in from what they export. Congresses tries to negotiate with the royal family, but won’t accommodate us by exploiting our own resources. We should make money on our resources, and we should get other countries to purchase our petroleum while another source of energy is developed. Oh by the way, the latest Zogby pole shows that 65% of Americans support off shore drilling.
Republican Senators along with a couple Democrats managed to block a bill that would impose taxes on oil companies based on their revenues. I guess the way to solve a crisis is by punishing business that do well. I just want to point out that the United States conducted a geological survey of undiscovered oil in Montana and North Dakota. They found that 3.2 billion barrels lie underneath the basin comprising these two states. Why haven’t we tapped into it yet?
John McCain has now started supporting drilling at home. He even proposed that 25 nuclear plants get built. Good for you Senator McCain I like this approach. Senator Obama so far has opposed drilling at home, reversing from ethanol as the main fuel, and building any more nuclear plants. I wonder how he’ll feel when it costs him $7 to fill up his tank. Oh I forgot we pay for his gas through taxes.
Are you willing to stop higher food and gas prices by asking your Senator and Congress person to start drilling at home? I doubt anyone thinks that using corn for ethanol is really contributing to the economy in a positive way. What will it take for even more people to speak out against dependence on countries like Saudi Arabia? I want American business to thrive. I want our economy to go back to what it once was, and I want to know that mortgaging the house isn’t necessary to fill up a car’s gas tank. I want to know at what point Americans will say enough political bs. Congress stop fighting each other, and help us fight outrageous food and gas prices.
Another day passes by with gas prices rising. The last few weeks highlight how much countries like Saudi Arabia really care about pumping more oil so we can use it. It’s time to smack the royal pocket book shut. They won’t increase production at all, but they’ll happily continue to rake money in from what they export. Congresses tries to negotiate with the royal family, but won’t accommodate us by exploiting our own resources. We should make money on our resources, and we should get other countries to purchase our petroleum while another source of energy is developed. Oh by the way, the latest Zogby pole shows that 65% of Americans support off shore drilling.
Republican Senators along with a couple Democrats managed to block a bill that would impose taxes on oil companies based on their revenues. I guess the way to solve a crisis is by punishing business that do well. I just want to point out that the United States conducted a geological survey of undiscovered oil in Montana and North Dakota. They found that 3.2 billion barrels lie underneath the basin comprising these two states. Why haven’t we tapped into it yet?
John McCain has now started supporting drilling at home. He even proposed that 25 nuclear plants get built. Good for you Senator McCain I like this approach. Senator Obama so far has opposed drilling at home, reversing from ethanol as the main fuel, and building any more nuclear plants. I wonder how he’ll feel when it costs him $7 to fill up his tank. Oh I forgot we pay for his gas through taxes.
Are you willing to stop higher food and gas prices by asking your Senator and Congress person to start drilling at home? I doubt anyone thinks that using corn for ethanol is really contributing to the economy in a positive way. What will it take for even more people to speak out against dependence on countries like Saudi Arabia? I want American business to thrive. I want our economy to go back to what it once was, and I want to know that mortgaging the house isn’t necessary to fill up a car’s gas tank. I want to know at what point Americans will say enough political bs. Congress stop fighting each other, and help us fight outrageous food and gas prices.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Students using internet for school.
Hey all, I hope that the weekend went well. We live in an era when the internet serves many purposes to many individuals, but I wonder if it is too cozy though?
Most students along with professional use the internet when they are conducting research. Why look through a bunch of library cards when you can find what you need with the click of a mouse. An article on the addresses how too many students are using facts they find on Wikipedia for their school work. According to the article about 6% of Internet users mainly use Wikipedia as a credible source of information. Scotland is attempting to get students to use more reliable sources such books, newspaper articles, etc. All newspapers have some political bias for the most part so how reliable can they be.
I want to know if the Internet has grown so big that individuals aren’t able to distinguish fact from fiction, or is it more convenience to use information from the first site found when googling a subject. Also, does the vast amount of articles available impact how much students actually research important topics in school? I always used the Internet for school since it’s quite accessible, but I never believed everything that I found written on sites like Al Gore’s claim to have invented the Internet himself. James.
Most students along with professional use the internet when they are conducting research. Why look through a bunch of library cards when you can find what you need with the click of a mouse. An article on the addresses how too many students are using facts they find on Wikipedia for their school work. According to the article about 6% of Internet users mainly use Wikipedia as a credible source of information. Scotland is attempting to get students to use more reliable sources such books, newspaper articles, etc. All newspapers have some political bias for the most part so how reliable can they be.
I want to know if the Internet has grown so big that individuals aren’t able to distinguish fact from fiction, or is it more convenience to use information from the first site found when googling a subject. Also, does the vast amount of articles available impact how much students actually research important topics in school? I always used the Internet for school since it’s quite accessible, but I never believed everything that I found written on sites like Al Gore’s claim to have invented the Internet himself. James.
Friday, June 20, 2008
The unsung hero.
Hey all, another week wrapped up. I want to start a new trend. I want Friday’s to be a time to celebrate heroes.
I want to hear stories about individuals who aren’t recognized by many. I want to salute those brave men and women, a firefighter that went into a burning building without any regard for their own life, an officer who puts the safety of others as a priority, etc. It’s time for individuals who are so important to us to know who much we appreciate them. I would appreciate stories about parents who worked 2 eight hour shift jobs to support their family.
Please send me your story so I can post it, or if you care to just leave a brief comment with the individual you want to recognize. America has so many wonderful people, and they should get some credit for their contribution to society. James.
I want to hear stories about individuals who aren’t recognized by many. I want to salute those brave men and women, a firefighter that went into a burning building without any regard for their own life, an officer who puts the safety of others as a priority, etc. It’s time for individuals who are so important to us to know who much we appreciate them. I would appreciate stories about parents who worked 2 eight hour shift jobs to support their family.
Please send me your story so I can post it, or if you care to just leave a brief comment with the individual you want to recognize. America has so many wonderful people, and they should get some credit for their contribution to society. James.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Court ruling or are they ruling?
Hey all, I wanted to write about a topic that I feel needs to be address. What Constitutional rights do enemy combatants have?
One of the most controversial topics from the war in terror has been the rights of enemy combatants. This label was given to those who fight with radical Islamic fighters against troops like the American armed forces. Many have criticized the existence of the prison in Guantanamo Bay most commonly known as GITMO. This military facility houses approximately 355 detainees according to the latest estimates provided by the Pentagon. Many critics have often spoken out against the lack of rights of those detained at GITMO. Some have even argued for them to have similar rights as soldiers who are captured during War. This would entitle them to rights under the Geneva Convention adopted in 1951 by countries that belong to the UN as written on their own web site. Although still not clear what rights they are entitled to based on the circumstances of the current war on terror: yet, the United States Supreme Court delivered a heavy blow against the efforts on this very situation with their decision on June 12, 2008.
The Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 in favor for enemy combatants to be entitled to habeas corpus. They can challenge their incarceration in GITMO, and they deserve a trial in a criminal court according to the ruling. Justice Kennedy wrote how it isn’t Constitutional for the military to capture individuals in the battle field without letting them know their rights. He vigorously comments on how suspending enemy combatant’s habeas corpus as Congress had decided on in 2006 isn’t Constitutional. I wonder how Justice Kennedy would feel about it if he was in the front line fighting for his country.
I am angry at the ability of judges to legislate from the bench. Enemy combatants are for the most part foreign nationals fighting for a radical cause, and they don’t give a damn how they kill Westerners especially Americans. Congress already limited our brave men and women’s ability to fight when they placed even more restrictions on the rules of engagement used in the battle field. Thank you Justice Kennedy and the four other lawyers for allowing radicals access to our Court system. Thank you for allowing them the possibility of recruiting more potential killers from the prison population. I challenge you to find anywhere in the Constitution where it states that enemy combatants are entitled to habeas corpus. Justice Thomas clearly addresses previous cases with a different ruling from this one. Judicial review should clearly occur to maintain the balance of powers possessed by the two other branches of government, but judicial activism shouldn’t hinder the effort of our troops based on a phantom portion of the Constitution.
I want to know if you are tired of how much power judges have? Do you feel that many of their decisions are based on their own political bias instead of their interpretation of the Constitution? James.
One of the most controversial topics from the war in terror has been the rights of enemy combatants. This label was given to those who fight with radical Islamic fighters against troops like the American armed forces. Many have criticized the existence of the prison in Guantanamo Bay most commonly known as GITMO. This military facility houses approximately 355 detainees according to the latest estimates provided by the Pentagon. Many critics have often spoken out against the lack of rights of those detained at GITMO. Some have even argued for them to have similar rights as soldiers who are captured during War. This would entitle them to rights under the Geneva Convention adopted in 1951 by countries that belong to the UN as written on their own web site. Although still not clear what rights they are entitled to based on the circumstances of the current war on terror: yet, the United States Supreme Court delivered a heavy blow against the efforts on this very situation with their decision on June 12, 2008.
The Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 in favor for enemy combatants to be entitled to habeas corpus. They can challenge their incarceration in GITMO, and they deserve a trial in a criminal court according to the ruling. Justice Kennedy wrote how it isn’t Constitutional for the military to capture individuals in the battle field without letting them know their rights. He vigorously comments on how suspending enemy combatant’s habeas corpus as Congress had decided on in 2006 isn’t Constitutional. I wonder how Justice Kennedy would feel about it if he was in the front line fighting for his country.
I am angry at the ability of judges to legislate from the bench. Enemy combatants are for the most part foreign nationals fighting for a radical cause, and they don’t give a damn how they kill Westerners especially Americans. Congress already limited our brave men and women’s ability to fight when they placed even more restrictions on the rules of engagement used in the battle field. Thank you Justice Kennedy and the four other lawyers for allowing radicals access to our Court system. Thank you for allowing them the possibility of recruiting more potential killers from the prison population. I challenge you to find anywhere in the Constitution where it states that enemy combatants are entitled to habeas corpus. Justice Thomas clearly addresses previous cases with a different ruling from this one. Judicial review should clearly occur to maintain the balance of powers possessed by the two other branches of government, but judicial activism shouldn’t hinder the effort of our troops based on a phantom portion of the Constitution.
I want to know if you are tired of how much power judges have? Do you feel that many of their decisions are based on their own political bias instead of their interpretation of the Constitution? James.
Monday, June 16, 2008
McCain mavrick?
Hey all, I hope that everyone had a great Fathers Day. I promised to write about both Presidential candidates, and I intend to discuss Senator John McCain this time around.
The Republican Party has often gained a reputation for nominating politician who where Conservatives in most issues in the political arena. This trend has hit rock bottom. Senator John Sidney Mccain from Arizona will probably receive the nomination at Republican National Convention.
John Mccain was born at Coco Solo Naval Air Station on August 29, 1936. He does hold a lengthy distinguished military record that I thank for. It’s important that he did serve his country honorably, but his political career isn’t as distinguished as when he wore the uniform.
Mccain got elected to the House of Representative in 1982, and then he followed a path to holding his current seat as a Senator which started in 1987. His voting record shows the many times he decided to vote against his party, but more importantly his lack of political consistence. Mccain’s own site points out how he plans to be strict on companies who contribute large amounts of carbon emissions, and how he plans to fight the climate change battle with cap trade ideas. I won’t detail this plan as it basically flushes more companies out of our own economy by imposing unreachable measures when it comes to eco friendly products. For instance, he wants to make carbon emission the level it was in 1990 by 2020.
Senator Mccain has always followed his own best interest with bills like the Mccain Feingold Act. This bill limits the amount of contribution money candidates can receive prior to an election, and it also limits the ability for individuals to criticize politicians before you pull the lever. His site highlights him as a true anti lobbyist champion. Finally, he is known for his support of the No Child Left Behind Act. This law in principle is great as it tries to increase the level of the educational standard children get, but it’s just more federal spending on a project poorly enforced. According to a study conducted in 2003 American students ranked 18th among the 24 leading industrialized nations as written in an article by Elaine Wu.
I am not satisfied with John Mccain’s political career. His opinions have often pleased those around him, and they have never been consistent on most issues. Do you trust the distinguished naval veteran, or the politician who is known as a maverick for defying all political alliances? James.
The Republican Party has often gained a reputation for nominating politician who where Conservatives in most issues in the political arena. This trend has hit rock bottom. Senator John Sidney Mccain from Arizona will probably receive the nomination at Republican National Convention.
John Mccain was born at Coco Solo Naval Air Station on August 29, 1936. He does hold a lengthy distinguished military record that I thank for. It’s important that he did serve his country honorably, but his political career isn’t as distinguished as when he wore the uniform.
Mccain got elected to the House of Representative in 1982, and then he followed a path to holding his current seat as a Senator which started in 1987. His voting record shows the many times he decided to vote against his party, but more importantly his lack of political consistence. Mccain’s own site points out how he plans to be strict on companies who contribute large amounts of carbon emissions, and how he plans to fight the climate change battle with cap trade ideas. I won’t detail this plan as it basically flushes more companies out of our own economy by imposing unreachable measures when it comes to eco friendly products. For instance, he wants to make carbon emission the level it was in 1990 by 2020.
Senator Mccain has always followed his own best interest with bills like the Mccain Feingold Act. This bill limits the amount of contribution money candidates can receive prior to an election, and it also limits the ability for individuals to criticize politicians before you pull the lever. His site highlights him as a true anti lobbyist champion. Finally, he is known for his support of the No Child Left Behind Act. This law in principle is great as it tries to increase the level of the educational standard children get, but it’s just more federal spending on a project poorly enforced. According to a study conducted in 2003 American students ranked 18th among the 24 leading industrialized nations as written in an article by Elaine Wu.
I am not satisfied with John Mccain’s political career. His opinions have often pleased those around him, and they have never been consistent on most issues. Do you trust the distinguished naval veteran, or the politician who is known as a maverick for defying all political alliances? James.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hey all, I am writing a brief message. Tim Russert died today from a heart attack while at work.
I have included Mr. Russert in one of my post, and he was an icon in the political world. I want to express my condolences to the Russert family, and I’ll keep them in my prayers. I had the pleasure to meet Tim when I attended an internship in DC the summer of 2004. It made me feel important when he called me by name, and he acknowledge who I was. It’s sad that such a devoted family man along with one who spread awareness about father son relationships left us. I can only thank him for the moment of joy he provided me with, and I can only know that he now watches football inside the pearly gates. I hope you will say a prayer for him and his family as well. James.
I have included Mr. Russert in one of my post, and he was an icon in the political world. I want to express my condolences to the Russert family, and I’ll keep them in my prayers. I had the pleasure to meet Tim when I attended an internship in DC the summer of 2004. It made me feel important when he called me by name, and he acknowledge who I was. It’s sad that such a devoted family man along with one who spread awareness about father son relationships left us. I can only thank him for the moment of joy he provided me with, and I can only know that he now watches football inside the pearly gates. I hope you will say a prayer for him and his family as well. James.
Poor Barack?
Hey all, another week wrapped up. I want to dedicate sometime looking at the personal lives of the two leading Presidential candidates so we can know them as people since one will definitely call Pennsylvania Avenue home.
Barack Hussein Obama was born August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother a native of Kansas, and his father from the African country of Kenya. He attended Columbia University where he earned an undergraduates degree in 1983. Later on he earned a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1991. All this info can be found in Senator’s Obama biography on the web site of the United States Congress. Enough about his rise to fame. How can he pretend to relate to the common man when he went to such prestigious schools? That’s great that he earned his college degrees, and anyone who is able to attend Ivy League schools has achieve quite a bit when they receive their diploma. Most people aren’t able to attend these institutions do to financial or other reasons. My point, he isn’t an average Joe like he claims to be. His closest friends are quite wealthy not poor, not people who live from pay check to pay check, not those who are part of the smokestack industry, and yet people believe he is just like me and you. I don’t hold grudges against those who have achieve success, or those who belong to the upper class. God bless them for everything they have. I just don’t take lightly someone who claims to have suffered, or someone who plays the victimization doctrine when they are wealthy along with attending some of the best universities in the country.
Do you feel like you can’t truly relate to his rise to fame? Does it bother you the claiming of so many struggles when he has had it easier than many who do come for poor backgrounds? James.
Barack Hussein Obama was born August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother a native of Kansas, and his father from the African country of Kenya. He attended Columbia University where he earned an undergraduates degree in 1983. Later on he earned a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1991. All this info can be found in Senator’s Obama biography on the web site of the United States Congress. Enough about his rise to fame. How can he pretend to relate to the common man when he went to such prestigious schools? That’s great that he earned his college degrees, and anyone who is able to attend Ivy League schools has achieve quite a bit when they receive their diploma. Most people aren’t able to attend these institutions do to financial or other reasons. My point, he isn’t an average Joe like he claims to be. His closest friends are quite wealthy not poor, not people who live from pay check to pay check, not those who are part of the smokestack industry, and yet people believe he is just like me and you. I don’t hold grudges against those who have achieve success, or those who belong to the upper class. God bless them for everything they have. I just don’t take lightly someone who claims to have suffered, or someone who plays the victimization doctrine when they are wealthy along with attending some of the best universities in the country.
Do you feel like you can’t truly relate to his rise to fame? Does it bother you the claiming of so many struggles when he has had it easier than many who do come for poor backgrounds? James.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hey all, I hope that the prospect of Friday coming up soon lightens your day. I know this will be a random post, but it’s necessary to do so.
I want to ask for your cooperation in a project I am working on. I want to create a web site where leaders speak their minds. Stereo types of the attention span of all American’s isn’t true. I know that many people exist out their who have great talents, and will be the future of this country.
I want to create a place where issues are discussed, troops honored, and ideas are proposed on how to maintain this great country contrary to the road some politicians want to lead us. Anyone who appreciates liberty, individual freedom, and our way of life please contact me. Thanks, James.
I want to ask for your cooperation in a project I am working on. I want to create a web site where leaders speak their minds. Stereo types of the attention span of all American’s isn’t true. I know that many people exist out their who have great talents, and will be the future of this country.
I want to create a place where issues are discussed, troops honored, and ideas are proposed on how to maintain this great country contrary to the road some politicians want to lead us. Anyone who appreciates liberty, individual freedom, and our way of life please contact me. Thanks, James.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Real change in November?
Hey all, political conversations are on overload now that we have the two candidates. Well not exactly official, but I’m sure they’ll be the one’s running. I don’t care for either candidate, but what change does Barack Obama really bring?
Everyone has recognized how in most of his speeches Senator Obama has often suggested that life will be better when Uncle Sam takes care of you. Uncle Sam can do according to Mr. Obama anything from cure your illnesses, make sure you are never unemployed, and restore our image around the world. He made references to all these “changes” in his acceptance speech in MN. We have finally found a consistent characteristic in his campaign.
According to the Congressional Research Service Obama has voted on 1231 votes since January 2005. He continues to promise the expansion of government which matches the 131 bills he has sponsored. I wonder how radical those bills must be when 118 of them don’t even make it out of committee. He has also cosponsored 619 bills during this time as well. Come on Uncle Sam fix all my problems.
I find the idea that government can fix all my problems a giant mistake. We have individual freedoms for a reason. If the government can stay away from my affair as much as possible I am a happy man. They should play a vital role in the enforcement of some laws, but they don’t need to nanny sit all Americans. How do you feel about the idea of an expanding government? Do you want the government to control your life as some propose? I know that my sarcasm is quite apparent, but if people don’t object it can happen. It already does exist to a certain extent. James.
Everyone has recognized how in most of his speeches Senator Obama has often suggested that life will be better when Uncle Sam takes care of you. Uncle Sam can do according to Mr. Obama anything from cure your illnesses, make sure you are never unemployed, and restore our image around the world. He made references to all these “changes” in his acceptance speech in MN. We have finally found a consistent characteristic in his campaign.
According to the Congressional Research Service Obama has voted on 1231 votes since January 2005. He continues to promise the expansion of government which matches the 131 bills he has sponsored. I wonder how radical those bills must be when 118 of them don’t even make it out of committee. He has also cosponsored 619 bills during this time as well. Come on Uncle Sam fix all my problems.
I find the idea that government can fix all my problems a giant mistake. We have individual freedoms for a reason. If the government can stay away from my affair as much as possible I am a happy man. They should play a vital role in the enforcement of some laws, but they don’t need to nanny sit all Americans. How do you feel about the idea of an expanding government? Do you want the government to control your life as some propose? I know that my sarcasm is quite apparent, but if people don’t object it can happen. It already does exist to a certain extent. James.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
UN or EU?
Hey all, I hope your weekend is going well. All the election frenzy has brought to mind a question about the United States. Why do we continue to belong to the UN, and does European countries even care anymore about NATO with the existence of the EU.
America has always assumed a role as top dog in most occasions. We have deemed number one in many respects. Often politicians approached the United Nations assembly to seek their support if any action regarding a foreign policy matter needed to be address. They have never really as a whole cared though. When former Secretary of State Colin Powell made his famous speech regarding Iraq many top European countries turned their backs. Britain remained loyal along with some other smaller countries. The instances when we’ve chosen to stand by UN policies have resulted in international disasters. The refusal to recognize the massive massacres in Sudan as a genocide made impossible for American aid as UN Human Rights Council didn’t see it as a genocide. It didn’t help when the Iranian leader Ahmadinejad got to speak in New York in 2007. No wonder European countries formed the EU.
I am wondering though if the lack of an identity of the UN along with the current political strength of the EU presents a problem for America in international politics. The European Union as noted in Encyclopedia Britannica was founded in 1999. A body that helps decides many of the current political and social policies enforced across Europe. Many European countries as reported by the BBC hope to add military strength to the EU’s portfolio. If they focus all their effort in building a strong governing body the UN will continue to loose power. The United States will continue to pay its fees along with the constant harassment of its policies, and in the mean time European counterparts focus more on increasing the power of the EU.
The main question in this rant lies in whether the United States should remain as loyal to the United Nation. What alliance can the United States really trust in case disaster ever struck? I know this is quite gloomy, but it’s a valid thought to contemplate. James.
America has always assumed a role as top dog in most occasions. We have deemed number one in many respects. Often politicians approached the United Nations assembly to seek their support if any action regarding a foreign policy matter needed to be address. They have never really as a whole cared though. When former Secretary of State Colin Powell made his famous speech regarding Iraq many top European countries turned their backs. Britain remained loyal along with some other smaller countries. The instances when we’ve chosen to stand by UN policies have resulted in international disasters. The refusal to recognize the massive massacres in Sudan as a genocide made impossible for American aid as UN Human Rights Council didn’t see it as a genocide. It didn’t help when the Iranian leader Ahmadinejad got to speak in New York in 2007. No wonder European countries formed the EU.
I am wondering though if the lack of an identity of the UN along with the current political strength of the EU presents a problem for America in international politics. The European Union as noted in Encyclopedia Britannica was founded in 1999. A body that helps decides many of the current political and social policies enforced across Europe. Many European countries as reported by the BBC hope to add military strength to the EU’s portfolio. If they focus all their effort in building a strong governing body the UN will continue to loose power. The United States will continue to pay its fees along with the constant harassment of its policies, and in the mean time European counterparts focus more on increasing the power of the EU.
The main question in this rant lies in whether the United States should remain as loyal to the United Nation. What alliance can the United States really trust in case disaster ever struck? I know this is quite gloomy, but it’s a valid thought to contemplate. James.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Barrack's race.
Hey all, well we are now down to two candidates in the American Presidential election. I would like to use this post to ask why is Barrack Obama so different from that of all other individuals who have seeks positions in the American political process.
It is clear that many are recognizing the achievement of Barrack Obama for securing the Democratic presidential nomination baring any incidents. I want to know why the fact that he is black makes this occasion more special from other previous black figures. I want to make clear how great as stated in a previous post our society is which doesn’t judge individuals based on their skin rather for their achievements. It bugs me the amount of notoriety Obama is getting for his appearance not his ideology. Both Tim Russert and Chris Matthews have labeled him “greater than that I had a dream speech.” Who greater to embody the idea of racial equality than MLK himself not Obama.
My main point is this. Clarence Thomas was nominated for a seat in the Supreme Court in September 1991 by President Bush 41. Some of the racial slurs used against him during his Senate hearing were atrocious. Media coverage of how he had too many Conservative ideas for being black can be found on articles dating from that time period. Although he never ran for office Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, never got acknowledge for his accomplishments as a black man. Current Secretary of Condolisa Rice has often gotten ridiculed in shows like the Daily Show not praised for her accomplishments as a black woman. Why didn’t former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan receive more national recognition for her accomplishment as a black woman? Many individuals have demonstrated how much progress America has made when it comes to racial issues, but they never received so much attention before.
I understand that many of the political accomplishments achieve by those mentioned above aren’t as magnified as possibly becoming the next President. Mr. Obama wouldn’t be in the position he is in right if it wasn’t for them though. Stop using race as his main achievement start examining his political ideology. Who care his race, because when he sits in the Oval office the color of his skin won’t make a difference his decisions will. A politician he is more left than the entire Democratic Party which is an accomplishment in it self. God help us all, James.
It is clear that many are recognizing the achievement of Barrack Obama for securing the Democratic presidential nomination baring any incidents. I want to know why the fact that he is black makes this occasion more special from other previous black figures. I want to make clear how great as stated in a previous post our society is which doesn’t judge individuals based on their skin rather for their achievements. It bugs me the amount of notoriety Obama is getting for his appearance not his ideology. Both Tim Russert and Chris Matthews have labeled him “greater than that I had a dream speech.” Who greater to embody the idea of racial equality than MLK himself not Obama.
My main point is this. Clarence Thomas was nominated for a seat in the Supreme Court in September 1991 by President Bush 41. Some of the racial slurs used against him during his Senate hearing were atrocious. Media coverage of how he had too many Conservative ideas for being black can be found on articles dating from that time period. Although he never ran for office Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, never got acknowledge for his accomplishments as a black man. Current Secretary of Condolisa Rice has often gotten ridiculed in shows like the Daily Show not praised for her accomplishments as a black woman. Why didn’t former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan receive more national recognition for her accomplishment as a black woman? Many individuals have demonstrated how much progress America has made when it comes to racial issues, but they never received so much attention before.
I understand that many of the political accomplishments achieve by those mentioned above aren’t as magnified as possibly becoming the next President. Mr. Obama wouldn’t be in the position he is in right if it wasn’t for them though. Stop using race as his main achievement start examining his political ideology. Who care his race, because when he sits in the Oval office the color of his skin won’t make a difference his decisions will. A politician he is more left than the entire Democratic Party which is an accomplishment in it self. God help us all, James.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A believing President.
Hello all, I wanted to write about a topic that impacts most Americans. The actions this past weekend by Barrack Obama when he renounced his church of twenty years inspired this question. How important is the religion of a President, or the content of the beliefs of a person when running for President to you?
It’s no secret by now that religion has played a key role in controversies throughout the primary season. Senator Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright inflammatory sermons made some voters think about Obama’s character. The mocking words of a visiting priest caused him to renounce his church which he attended for twenty years. How important is religion to you when you vote in November?
A 2008 Gallop pole showed that 48% of Americans would not vote for an Atheist President. Only 5% wouldn’t vote for a black President, and only 12% wouldn’t vote for a woman. Two of the most uncertain characteristics in a President have been eliminated, but a large percentage still don’t approve of a President who doesn’t have faith in a Supreme Being. I want to know how important a person’s faith is when running for President. I feel it’s an important value when I pull the lever. James.
It’s no secret by now that religion has played a key role in controversies throughout the primary season. Senator Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright inflammatory sermons made some voters think about Obama’s character. The mocking words of a visiting priest caused him to renounce his church which he attended for twenty years. How important is religion to you when you vote in November?
A 2008 Gallop pole showed that 48% of Americans would not vote for an Atheist President. Only 5% wouldn’t vote for a black President, and only 12% wouldn’t vote for a woman. Two of the most uncertain characteristics in a President have been eliminated, but a large percentage still don’t approve of a President who doesn’t have faith in a Supreme Being. I want to know how important a person’s faith is when running for President. I feel it’s an important value when I pull the lever. James.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Your pet.
Hello all Friday is here once again. Do you have a pet you care for? Well, many Americans along with people around the world have them too. I want to know your pet story.
Uncle Sam reports that in 2006 the pet industry in America cost about 200 million dollars. You can find trusts, insurance, hotels, and nanny like services. I have a German Shepherd as my pet. She is my guide dog, and an incredible dog. People from all walks of life have all sorts of incredible creatures to keep them company. Look at all the reaction that the Michael Vick scandal caused last year. Animals are an important part of many homes. What animal keeps you company? I might have a belly full of steam when it comes to politics and sports, but I have a soft heart when it comes to animals. James.
Uncle Sam reports that in 2006 the pet industry in America cost about 200 million dollars. You can find trusts, insurance, hotels, and nanny like services. I have a German Shepherd as my pet. She is my guide dog, and an incredible dog. People from all walks of life have all sorts of incredible creatures to keep them company. Look at all the reaction that the Michael Vick scandal caused last year. Animals are an important part of many homes. What animal keeps you company? I might have a belly full of steam when it comes to politics and sports, but I have a soft heart when it comes to animals. James.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tell Congress too pump more.
Hello all, I want to address a topic I already wrote about. I want to talk about high oil prices from a global perspective though.
For many years member of the US. Congress has passed laws prohibiting oil companies from drilling in various areas that are known to have oil reserves due to a possible threat to the environment. America lies at the mercy of foreign countries for oil since members of Congress rather are friendly to the various environmentalist groups. I won’t get in that tare today.
I want to prove that a market should be supply and demand, and not a monopoly of a few countries that have huge egos. Brazil tired of depending on Venezuela’s mercy for oil decided to drill in the Atlantic coast. According to World Net Daily Brazilian officials discovered a reserve containing up to 80 billion barrels of oil. They now can export this oil instead of depending on Saudi Arabia. The BBC reported yesterday that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced plans for Great Britain to seek furthering drillings of the North Sea.
Why all the countries outside of our own are have the right idea? I am signing a petition created by American Solutions to ask Congress to drill in the US soon and to stop trying to create complicated policies that gets us nowhere. I hope that you will voice your opinion to your representative so they know that they are their to do what we need them to do. We have to voice our opinions, or they are not going to help decrease the game that gasoline prices have become. Are you going to let them hear your voice, or are you just going to sit back complaining about the current rising gas prices? James.
For many years member of the US. Congress has passed laws prohibiting oil companies from drilling in various areas that are known to have oil reserves due to a possible threat to the environment. America lies at the mercy of foreign countries for oil since members of Congress rather are friendly to the various environmentalist groups. I won’t get in that tare today.
I want to prove that a market should be supply and demand, and not a monopoly of a few countries that have huge egos. Brazil tired of depending on Venezuela’s mercy for oil decided to drill in the Atlantic coast. According to World Net Daily Brazilian officials discovered a reserve containing up to 80 billion barrels of oil. They now can export this oil instead of depending on Saudi Arabia. The BBC reported yesterday that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced plans for Great Britain to seek furthering drillings of the North Sea.
Why all the countries outside of our own are have the right idea? I am signing a petition created by American Solutions to ask Congress to drill in the US soon and to stop trying to create complicated policies that gets us nowhere. I hope that you will voice your opinion to your representative so they know that they are their to do what we need them to do. We have to voice our opinions, or they are not going to help decrease the game that gasoline prices have become. Are you going to let them hear your voice, or are you just going to sit back complaining about the current rising gas prices? James.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What about China?
Hello all, well watching the news doesn’t surely excite anyone does it? So far the only events to make headlines are natural disasters, economic downfalls, and weather problems. One of the regions most impacted by natural disasters is China. According to the latest estimate the earthquake death toll surpasses 60000 this according to figures given by MSNBC. I want to know if all the warmth shown by the Chinese government to their citizens occur as a response to the disaster, or is China really evolving.
China has always been a source of curiosity for Western cultures. Although debated by scholars Marco Polo was the first Westerner to visit this vast country. Their culture comprised of many traditions procured fascination by European countries. The creation of the silk road marked the initial exposure of China to the world. They have always maintained strict policies against other countries. Several countries have had to impose gun boat diplomacy to reach the grounds beyond the Great Wall. I want to give a cultural synopsis to solidify my argument.
America really never feared China as a growing rival in the world’s market, or even considered it a true player in the world prior to recent administrations. Their participation in the Vietnam conflict marked a disassociation between the two nations. Some had forecast China’s rapid population growth may indicate how ambitious their government intended to be. I couldn’t find an exact date, but starting in the 60’s according to the Kato Institute China initiated its one child policy. Couples were only allowed to produce one child, and those who violated this policy did still do suffer social along with financial fines. This population controlling ideology has now been for the first time in numerous years exempted.
Today Andrew Jacobs from the International Herald Tribune reported that the Chengdu Population and Family Planning Committee located in Sichuan Province granted an opportunity for parents who where affected by the earthquake to apply so they can have another kid. Parents can apply for permission from the government which would allow them to have another child without any penalties. I think it’s a total human rights catastrophe to have a government dictate how many children a couple may produce. The idea that a federal government can impose so much control over citizens is startling. I wonder if the ability for couples to seek permission to have another child came out of the warm heart of the Chinese government.
China has really hit an economic boom. The GDP, Growth Domestic Products grew by 8 percent from 1999 to 2000 according to the latest figures provided by the National Bureau of Statistics in China. Their GDP reached 1.08 billion dollars in 2000. Of course, they obey all international labor laws. So much so that they are a chartered member of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The United Nation web site indicates that their membership expires in 2009. A country that produces massive amounts of goods must have extremely profitable business owned by Chinese nationals. Most of the business are owned by international companies, or are manipulated by the Chinese government. The amount of impoverish people is commonly known throughout the world to be widespread throughout the whole country. Anyone who disagrees with any law gets a short trip to the Sea of China. The economic struggle of the majority of the population is evident by the tremendous infrastructure damaged caused by the May 12 earthquake.
A long rant I know. This is my main point though. It’s quite convenient to by goods that are cheap produced by companies who purchased them from China. An economic giant has awakened in this far East country. How in humane is it for a government to control their own population? Why do we continue to acknowledge the Chinese government by allowing them membership into the UN Human Rights Council? I would love to extend a hand to those suffering from the earthquake, but how to circumvent the political chaos produced by a Communist government? Any financial assistance by foreign entities gets sorted out by the communist government. What are your thoughts on the current state of this country? James.
China has always been a source of curiosity for Western cultures. Although debated by scholars Marco Polo was the first Westerner to visit this vast country. Their culture comprised of many traditions procured fascination by European countries. The creation of the silk road marked the initial exposure of China to the world. They have always maintained strict policies against other countries. Several countries have had to impose gun boat diplomacy to reach the grounds beyond the Great Wall. I want to give a cultural synopsis to solidify my argument.
America really never feared China as a growing rival in the world’s market, or even considered it a true player in the world prior to recent administrations. Their participation in the Vietnam conflict marked a disassociation between the two nations. Some had forecast China’s rapid population growth may indicate how ambitious their government intended to be. I couldn’t find an exact date, but starting in the 60’s according to the Kato Institute China initiated its one child policy. Couples were only allowed to produce one child, and those who violated this policy did still do suffer social along with financial fines. This population controlling ideology has now been for the first time in numerous years exempted.
Today Andrew Jacobs from the International Herald Tribune reported that the Chengdu Population and Family Planning Committee located in Sichuan Province granted an opportunity for parents who where affected by the earthquake to apply so they can have another kid. Parents can apply for permission from the government which would allow them to have another child without any penalties. I think it’s a total human rights catastrophe to have a government dictate how many children a couple may produce. The idea that a federal government can impose so much control over citizens is startling. I wonder if the ability for couples to seek permission to have another child came out of the warm heart of the Chinese government.
China has really hit an economic boom. The GDP, Growth Domestic Products grew by 8 percent from 1999 to 2000 according to the latest figures provided by the National Bureau of Statistics in China. Their GDP reached 1.08 billion dollars in 2000. Of course, they obey all international labor laws. So much so that they are a chartered member of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The United Nation web site indicates that their membership expires in 2009. A country that produces massive amounts of goods must have extremely profitable business owned by Chinese nationals. Most of the business are owned by international companies, or are manipulated by the Chinese government. The amount of impoverish people is commonly known throughout the world to be widespread throughout the whole country. Anyone who disagrees with any law gets a short trip to the Sea of China. The economic struggle of the majority of the population is evident by the tremendous infrastructure damaged caused by the May 12 earthquake.
A long rant I know. This is my main point though. It’s quite convenient to by goods that are cheap produced by companies who purchased them from China. An economic giant has awakened in this far East country. How in humane is it for a government to control their own population? Why do we continue to acknowledge the Chinese government by allowing them membership into the UN Human Rights Council? I would love to extend a hand to those suffering from the earthquake, but how to circumvent the political chaos produced by a Communist government? Any financial assistance by foreign entities gets sorted out by the communist government. What are your thoughts on the current state of this country? James.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A distinguish few.
Hello all, I hope that you are having a good weekend. Most people take this time to sit back, and spend the long weekend with their families. I want to write a special entry to celebrate those men and women who have, are, or made the ultimate sacrifice. I know this will be jumbled up, but I get emotional when I talk about this topic.
This year most folks have many complaints like high gas prices, economical struggles, and just the common day to day issues. This weekend those problems should put aside. No, it shouldn’t be just this weekend. It should be everyday that we thank those brave men and women who has worn the uniform of the United States military. I want to personally thank every single person who has ever served. I would love to have the honor to shake your hand, and thank you for your contribution to the sustaining of such a wonderful country. Although hard work allows us to earn the ability to own all our material goods: we aren’t any different than any other person anywhere else in the world. I know I feel blessed to live in such a wonderful country, and I thank you once again for protecting my way of life. Thank you for allowing me to earn what my effort has brought to fruition. We get what we earn not what is entitled to us.
All the men and women who serve do it for the love of their country. Even if they disagree with the agenda from that of the government who sent them they still complete their mission without questioning the motives. Thank you those who served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Granada, Gulf War, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Thank you for putting your life on the line so we can still enjoy all of the freedoms we enjoy.
I want to make something clear. I thank Senator McCain for his service during the Vietnam conflict. His toughness allowed enduring all those years of torture. I know his military experience makes him an excellent candidate in 08, or does it only expose his political weakness?
Senator McCain can’t rely on his military record to win the White House. All men and women fight so that Democratic principles remain dominant in our government. They battle forces intending to eliminate the laws of the Constitution. Senator McCain’s social policies would void all the years he spent in the Hanoi Hilton. His domestic policies render all of our troop’s hard work pointless.
Enough politics though. I want you to know that no matter your rank, role, or experience while in the service thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Navy, Army, Air force, Marines, Army Rangers, and Navy Seals. Also, thank you to all the friendly allied forces that have fought side by side with this brave group of individuals. For those who have made the ultimate sacrifice I would like to have the opportunity to say a prayer for them. I know that families often serve as the backbone of most who are deployed. Thank you for remaining strong while your love ones fight far away from home. Your job is vital to the moral of our armed forces. I would love to here from families, active service troops, or even those who are no longer active. I don’t feel confident about the future of this country from a political perspective, but I will always feel safe as long as American troops where the Red White and Blue. Thank you all for what I have, and continue success in all future missions. I know that you will continue to make all of those proud. I will think about all of you this weekend, and if you ever need a friend I am always ready to reach out to you. James.
This year most folks have many complaints like high gas prices, economical struggles, and just the common day to day issues. This weekend those problems should put aside. No, it shouldn’t be just this weekend. It should be everyday that we thank those brave men and women who has worn the uniform of the United States military. I want to personally thank every single person who has ever served. I would love to have the honor to shake your hand, and thank you for your contribution to the sustaining of such a wonderful country. Although hard work allows us to earn the ability to own all our material goods: we aren’t any different than any other person anywhere else in the world. I know I feel blessed to live in such a wonderful country, and I thank you once again for protecting my way of life. Thank you for allowing me to earn what my effort has brought to fruition. We get what we earn not what is entitled to us.
All the men and women who serve do it for the love of their country. Even if they disagree with the agenda from that of the government who sent them they still complete their mission without questioning the motives. Thank you those who served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Granada, Gulf War, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Thank you for putting your life on the line so we can still enjoy all of the freedoms we enjoy.
I want to make something clear. I thank Senator McCain for his service during the Vietnam conflict. His toughness allowed enduring all those years of torture. I know his military experience makes him an excellent candidate in 08, or does it only expose his political weakness?
Senator McCain can’t rely on his military record to win the White House. All men and women fight so that Democratic principles remain dominant in our government. They battle forces intending to eliminate the laws of the Constitution. Senator McCain’s social policies would void all the years he spent in the Hanoi Hilton. His domestic policies render all of our troop’s hard work pointless.
Enough politics though. I want you to know that no matter your rank, role, or experience while in the service thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Navy, Army, Air force, Marines, Army Rangers, and Navy Seals. Also, thank you to all the friendly allied forces that have fought side by side with this brave group of individuals. For those who have made the ultimate sacrifice I would like to have the opportunity to say a prayer for them. I know that families often serve as the backbone of most who are deployed. Thank you for remaining strong while your love ones fight far away from home. Your job is vital to the moral of our armed forces. I would love to here from families, active service troops, or even those who are no longer active. I don’t feel confident about the future of this country from a political perspective, but I will always feel safe as long as American troops where the Red White and Blue. Thank you all for what I have, and continue success in all future missions. I know that you will continue to make all of those proud. I will think about all of you this weekend, and if you ever need a friend I am always ready to reach out to you. James.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Day at the pump.
Hello all, another hot summer day. It’s a Holiday weekend those who are traveling I hope you enjoy a safe trip, and hope you aren’t holding on to your wallets wondering why so much of your money went down the fuel line.
It is no secret that fuel prices have raised to an all time high. According to AAA Daily Gas Gage Report right now the average unleaded gallon of gas costs about $3.87. I know your blood pressure must be rising right now as you continue to read. I do have to give the following disclaimer; I can’t drive as I am totally blind. If I drove people might save on gas since they wouldn’t drive to protect themselves. I’ve had enough from our so called “leaders” from Congress. According to various sources federal taxes comprise about 15% of the average cost of a gallon of gas.
One of the complaints we’ve often heard is that we depend on foreign countries for our oil way too much. Congressional leaders try to demonize the oil companies for their huge profits in this poor economical state that currently exists. Oil companies actually make their money from products like rubber. They actually earn about 17 cent per gallon of gasoline. Uncle Sam gets 47 cents per gallon of gasoline. Oh, did you know you help pay for the cars that each member of Congress drives?
Members of Congress use tax payer money to pay for the cost of their cars, and to pay for their consumption of gasoline. Your money getting spent so carefully. Why don’t they allow for oil companies to build new refineries? Why can’t they explore areas off the Gulf of Mexico near Florida? Why don’t they get the chance to drill in Alaska with technology that affects the environment as much as all their carbon foot prints do? Congressional leaders oppose the construction of nuclear plants, but they support subsidizing corn for the use of ethanol. Let’s develop alternative sources of fuel as the oil supply at home gets used. This way after we are out of oil in a few decades we don’t have to depend on those OPEC countries that aren’t fond of us.
Thanks guys, all groceries prices have raised do to the lack of effectiveness of ethanol.
I am not an expert on this subject. I will bring more specific numbers if anyone wants them. Why do we elect people who don’t care about our economy into office? Why do we let them get away with idiotic claims like threatening Saudi Arabia with not selling them weapons if they don’t increase their oil production. Excuse me, why are we selling them weapons in the first place? They can sponsor the killing of our men and women, hold us hostage over a barrel, and use our weapons against us. People please vote for officials that will solve this problem in the long run. Enough taxes on gas, enough subsidizing of our national products, and enough screwing up our economy. Please voice your opinions so people in DC as well as your local leaders know that their buns are on the hot seat. If they don’t have power, then they can’t continue to do what they want. Remind them that we live in a representative democracy, and we vote for those who actually do what is best for us. Let me know how you feel about this. Please let it all out. You will feel much better once you do. If all fails well their will be a huge number of scooters on the roads. James.
It is no secret that fuel prices have raised to an all time high. According to AAA Daily Gas Gage Report right now the average unleaded gallon of gas costs about $3.87. I know your blood pressure must be rising right now as you continue to read. I do have to give the following disclaimer; I can’t drive as I am totally blind. If I drove people might save on gas since they wouldn’t drive to protect themselves. I’ve had enough from our so called “leaders” from Congress. According to various sources federal taxes comprise about 15% of the average cost of a gallon of gas.
One of the complaints we’ve often heard is that we depend on foreign countries for our oil way too much. Congressional leaders try to demonize the oil companies for their huge profits in this poor economical state that currently exists. Oil companies actually make their money from products like rubber. They actually earn about 17 cent per gallon of gasoline. Uncle Sam gets 47 cents per gallon of gasoline. Oh, did you know you help pay for the cars that each member of Congress drives?
Members of Congress use tax payer money to pay for the cost of their cars, and to pay for their consumption of gasoline. Your money getting spent so carefully. Why don’t they allow for oil companies to build new refineries? Why can’t they explore areas off the Gulf of Mexico near Florida? Why don’t they get the chance to drill in Alaska with technology that affects the environment as much as all their carbon foot prints do? Congressional leaders oppose the construction of nuclear plants, but they support subsidizing corn for the use of ethanol. Let’s develop alternative sources of fuel as the oil supply at home gets used. This way after we are out of oil in a few decades we don’t have to depend on those OPEC countries that aren’t fond of us.
Thanks guys, all groceries prices have raised do to the lack of effectiveness of ethanol.
I am not an expert on this subject. I will bring more specific numbers if anyone wants them. Why do we elect people who don’t care about our economy into office? Why do we let them get away with idiotic claims like threatening Saudi Arabia with not selling them weapons if they don’t increase their oil production. Excuse me, why are we selling them weapons in the first place? They can sponsor the killing of our men and women, hold us hostage over a barrel, and use our weapons against us. People please vote for officials that will solve this problem in the long run. Enough taxes on gas, enough subsidizing of our national products, and enough screwing up our economy. Please voice your opinions so people in DC as well as your local leaders know that their buns are on the hot seat. If they don’t have power, then they can’t continue to do what they want. Remind them that we live in a representative democracy, and we vote for those who actually do what is best for us. Let me know how you feel about this. Please let it all out. You will feel much better once you do. If all fails well their will be a huge number of scooters on the roads. James.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hello all welcome to my blog. I want you to come here, and ponder about the issues that affect society. I want you to express yourself regardless of who you are.
I want to make it clear that I intend to discuss topics that are controversial. I also plan to state my opinion even if it is silly. I criticize individual’s perspectives, political ideologies, points of views, and their stances. I don’t attack a person’s character unless they provoke such a lashing.
My first topic has to do with race. For many years America has tried to create a race blind society. This means that no one is judged based on the color of their skin, ethnicity, or even heritage. Through various movements progress has been made towards a more tolerant society. Absolute lack of discrimination will never occur as America is composed of a variety of migrants from multiple countries. Why does race continue to play a role in who will get elected President of the United States in 2008.
Senator Barack Obama one of the two Democratic candidates left happens to be black. I am proud to know that America has progressed from slavery considered as a major interstate commerce trade to the next President of the United States. That is a giant leap that proves how much society in the United States has evolved. Also, Senator Hilary Clinton makes up the other buyable candidate for the Democratic Party. Women were once not recognized as citizens of this country. They had to wait longer than African Americans to be eligible to vote. Even more proof of societal evolution
My problem lies in the constant reference made by Senator Obama to his race to salvage a political position that wasn’t that popular, or to attack those who disapprove of his agenda. Look, I am totally blind. I can’t tell who is what race. The only reason I know Obama is black is do to his own reference to his race. If you criticize his friend’s rhetoric like Jeremiah Wright its most is because he is black. If you attack his wife’s idiotic babbles about how much minorities struggle in this country: it’s because she is black. I don’t care what your gender or ethnicity is. If you are going to lead my country into the toilet I will criticize you as much as I want.
I won’t quote any specific source as I don’t know the legal ramifications they could have as I am a new logger. It’s widely understood that the majority of black voters support Barack Obama simply since he is of the same race. Why throw away all of the work that all the Civil Rights leaders did? If you are going to support someone does it since you agree with their ideology. People need to stop using superficial reasons like skin color to support someone. I will use one example. If a white voter chooses to pull the lever for Hilary Clinton or John McCain since they are white. Would that make them racist? How do you feel about people isolating themselves do to skin color. I just want a leader. I just want someone who gives a damn about this country. I don’t care for anymore power hungry bureaucrats. I also don’t want someone who would use race as a political scapegoat from any policy that fails. Senator Obama prove to us that you are more than an icon who will say anything to be elected. Stop proposing Marxist ideas that will make the Constitution irrelevant. All I ask if that the next President preserves America as such a great country. I want them to keep us safe, and restore in the minds of foreigners the idea of coming to America any dream can become a reality if you work hard enough for it. James.
I want to make it clear that I intend to discuss topics that are controversial. I also plan to state my opinion even if it is silly. I criticize individual’s perspectives, political ideologies, points of views, and their stances. I don’t attack a person’s character unless they provoke such a lashing.
My first topic has to do with race. For many years America has tried to create a race blind society. This means that no one is judged based on the color of their skin, ethnicity, or even heritage. Through various movements progress has been made towards a more tolerant society. Absolute lack of discrimination will never occur as America is composed of a variety of migrants from multiple countries. Why does race continue to play a role in who will get elected President of the United States in 2008.
Senator Barack Obama one of the two Democratic candidates left happens to be black. I am proud to know that America has progressed from slavery considered as a major interstate commerce trade to the next President of the United States. That is a giant leap that proves how much society in the United States has evolved. Also, Senator Hilary Clinton makes up the other buyable candidate for the Democratic Party. Women were once not recognized as citizens of this country. They had to wait longer than African Americans to be eligible to vote. Even more proof of societal evolution
My problem lies in the constant reference made by Senator Obama to his race to salvage a political position that wasn’t that popular, or to attack those who disapprove of his agenda. Look, I am totally blind. I can’t tell who is what race. The only reason I know Obama is black is do to his own reference to his race. If you criticize his friend’s rhetoric like Jeremiah Wright its most is because he is black. If you attack his wife’s idiotic babbles about how much minorities struggle in this country: it’s because she is black. I don’t care what your gender or ethnicity is. If you are going to lead my country into the toilet I will criticize you as much as I want.
I won’t quote any specific source as I don’t know the legal ramifications they could have as I am a new logger. It’s widely understood that the majority of black voters support Barack Obama simply since he is of the same race. Why throw away all of the work that all the Civil Rights leaders did? If you are going to support someone does it since you agree with their ideology. People need to stop using superficial reasons like skin color to support someone. I will use one example. If a white voter chooses to pull the lever for Hilary Clinton or John McCain since they are white. Would that make them racist? How do you feel about people isolating themselves do to skin color. I just want a leader. I just want someone who gives a damn about this country. I don’t care for anymore power hungry bureaucrats. I also don’t want someone who would use race as a political scapegoat from any policy that fails. Senator Obama prove to us that you are more than an icon who will say anything to be elected. Stop proposing Marxist ideas that will make the Constitution irrelevant. All I ask if that the next President preserves America as such a great country. I want them to keep us safe, and restore in the minds of foreigners the idea of coming to America any dream can become a reality if you work hard enough for it. James.
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