Hello all welcome to my blog. I want you to come here, and ponder about the issues that affect society. I want you to express yourself regardless of who you are.
I want to make it clear that I intend to discuss topics that are controversial. I also plan to state my opinion even if it is silly. I criticize individual’s perspectives, political ideologies, points of views, and their stances. I don’t attack a person’s character unless they provoke such a lashing.
My first topic has to do with race. For many years America has tried to create a race blind society. This means that no one is judged based on the color of their skin, ethnicity, or even heritage. Through various movements progress has been made towards a more tolerant society. Absolute lack of discrimination will never occur as America is composed of a variety of migrants from multiple countries. Why does race continue to play a role in who will get elected President of the United States in 2008.
Senator Barack Obama one of the two Democratic candidates left happens to be black. I am proud to know that America has progressed from slavery considered as a major interstate commerce trade to the next President of the United States. That is a giant leap that proves how much society in the United States has evolved. Also, Senator Hilary Clinton makes up the other buyable candidate for the Democratic Party. Women were once not recognized as citizens of this country. They had to wait longer than African Americans to be eligible to vote. Even more proof of societal evolution
My problem lies in the constant reference made by Senator Obama to his race to salvage a political position that wasn’t that popular, or to attack those who disapprove of his agenda. Look, I am totally blind. I can’t tell who is what race. The only reason I know Obama is black is do to his own reference to his race. If you criticize his friend’s rhetoric like Jeremiah Wright its most is because he is black. If you attack his wife’s idiotic babbles about how much minorities struggle in this country: it’s because she is black. I don’t care what your gender or ethnicity is. If you are going to lead my country into the toilet I will criticize you as much as I want.
I won’t quote any specific source as I don’t know the legal ramifications they could have as I am a new logger. It’s widely understood that the majority of black voters support Barack Obama simply since he is of the same race. Why throw away all of the work that all the Civil Rights leaders did? If you are going to support someone does it since you agree with their ideology. People need to stop using superficial reasons like skin color to support someone. I will use one example. If a white voter chooses to pull the lever for Hilary Clinton or John McCain since they are white. Would that make them racist? How do you feel about people isolating themselves do to skin color. I just want a leader. I just want someone who gives a damn about this country. I don’t care for anymore power hungry bureaucrats. I also don’t want someone who would use race as a political scapegoat from any policy that fails. Senator Obama prove to us that you are more than an icon who will say anything to be elected. Stop proposing Marxist ideas that will make the Constitution irrelevant. All I ask if that the next President preserves America as such a great country. I want them to keep us safe, and restore in the minds of foreigners the idea of coming to America any dream can become a reality if you work hard enough for it. James.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
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