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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Commemorating 9/11/2001.

Today we remember the tragic act perpetrated by a few barbaric extremists. I honor the selfless sacrifice of all men and women in uniform such as first responders, emergency personnel, and those in the military. Thank you for everything that you do! Thank you for keeping us safe since we were attacked, and for all the years before that. Let’s remember all of the innocent lives that were lost 9 years ago, and let’s celebrate those who have died since to keep Old Glory flying high. Despite every attempt Uncle Sam’s hat remains upright on his head, and Lady Liberty’s arm remains firmly raised up in the air. This above all shows that no matter what comes our way the pillars upon which this nation was founded still hold up our society today. May God bless every American along with all of our allies, and may God continue to bless America.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Follow The Leader?

Hey yall, it’s been a long time since my last piece. I do apologize for the long delay between this piece and the last one. Another Obama official waves the white flag.
The Obama administration has often used the President’s charisma as a tool to downplay any critic that questions the merits of any agenda item proposed by the White House. His uncanny leadership skills supposedly enabled him to attain the services of the most professional and loyal experts the nations has ever seen. This must mean that loyalty must not be worth much these days inside the Beltway.
Every aspect of this President that the media glamorized has lost its allure with the American people as well as those inside the White House.
For instance, tabloids salivated when Desiree Rogers boasted about the Obama brand shortly after the 2008 election. The Obama’s were going to be the modern Kennedys. The only resemblance between the two families may have more to do with their ability to spend a pretty penny at the same time chastising anyone else who does. Rogers abandoned the Obama brand quicker than LeBron James did Cleveland.
His economic knowledge that some would say rivals only that of Alexander Hamilton came to light when he proposed the passage of the two stimulus packages salvaging an economy that was about to drop into the abyss. Meanwhile, unemployment has remained at 9.7% as well as jobless claims have increased incrementally each month this year. His Napoleonic military instincts helped to change the Iraq War from a total disaster to a military success. Certainly the selfless sacrifice of American troops along with courageous Iraqi voters must not have played a role in the constant struggle of creating a free Iraq. Finally, his Atticus Finch like legal mind as well as his pride for his country has made America safe once again. If you don’t count the infamous underwear bomber, Time Square bomber, suicide bombers who were released from Guantanamo Bay, etc.
Barack Obama often gets praised for his ability to appeal to others. It’s unthinkable for anyone to leave the side of such an apologetic man. If you want some proof just ask Shirley Sherrod. Also who wouldn’t want to have a boss so teleprompter savvy? Who wouldn’t want to participate in bringing Hope and Change to all Americans once again?
Ironically, the answer is several of the political hacks currently working in the administration. This includes Rahm Emanuel, who after this year, will no longer flex his ballerina muscles in the halls of Congress threatening anyone who disagrees with the administration’s stance. Christina Romer opted to return to the ivy halls of academia in Stanford as opposed to attempting to lie further about a phantom economic recovery. Lastly, the man who has advised President Obama on how to use the military as a punching bag as the primary guideline in his defense agenda will return to College Station, TX. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates will finally leave DC after serving 2 President’s with very different defense philosophies.
It’s clear that the American people have lost confidence in President Obama as their leader, and now his own staff has made that sentiment resonate even louder. Barack Obama isn’t fit for the job as President. Every so called expert he appointed to his cabinet has failed the American people at a crucial time in our history. Future cabinet members must realize that the only public servant that the American people respect are those who follow the Constitution and all the American principles. If this pattern continues in November 2010 and 2012 other politicians and high ranking officials will follow Romer and Emanuel’s path.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memory of our fallen heros.

Hey yall, today it’s time to celebrate and acknowledge the selfless sacrifice of a select group. A group of men and women of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, and backgrounds. They lost their life defending freedom, liberating the oppress, and fighting ruthless enemies. Please let’s salute all of the soldiers who has died wearing the uniform regardless of when, where, or how it happened.
Today is more of a reminder of the extraordinary individual sacrifice that those who have in the United States military have made through time. Their heroic acts deserve to be celebrated daily instead of once a year. It’s difficult for me to articulate my appreciation for what these individuals have accomplished since I have never possessed their courage, skill, or character.
Their memory gets manifested the best every time an election is held, and people are able to vote for the candidate of their choice. It’s reflected whenever a person criticizes a political entity without the fear of any retaliation from them. It’s evident every time a man or woman walks across the stage to receive their High School diploma, and after worth they can choose to mold their future without having to receive instructions from the government as to what career path to embark in. Finally, it’s displayed in the joyous faces of a mother whose baby arrived in a world where anything is possible if they work hard for it.
I want to personally thank every military member who has committed the ultimate sacrifice for their country. I want you to know that every night you remain in my prayers along with those of an entire nation. Your brothers and sisters in arms right now are revered as highly as you are, and they will always have the support and respect of all of the American people. I thank God that I have had the opportunity to grow up in, and to live in such a magnificent country best exemplified by its veterans. God bless America, and may he always bless and protect those in the United States armed forces. James.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Perfect Storm.

Hey yall, it’s that time of year once again when the mercury has started to rise, and hurricane season is fast approaching. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the allegations of using bribes by the White House for political expediency makes November a perfect storm for Democrats. It also puts quite a damper on a President’s political future whose latest approval rating has dipped down to 44% according to the most recent Rasmussen poll.
The main stream media has made it a point to place the entire blame of the leak on BP’s shoulders. They have remarked numerous times that corporate greed is the reason for why countless gallons of petroleum now sit in the warm waters of the Gulf. They do have a point that the three companies operating the deep water Horizon rig do share some blame for what took place, but last I checked the federal government has the responsibility to react as quickly as possible when a natural disaster occurs on federal territory. Uncle Sam chose to sit on its hands like little Miss Muffet, while waiting for BP to find a quick solution to the leak, and when nothing seemed to work they decided to chastise BP in several congressional hearings instead of helping stop the oil from gushing out even further. Thankfully this has caused some backlash against the Obama administration from some of its usual followers such as James Carville and Chris Matthews. It took 12 days to get some kind of response from Washington as to what to do about this environmental crisis. I wonder if people like Al Sharpton will say that Barack Obama purposefully did this to eradicate minorities like he claimed President Bush did with Katrina. One simple difference does exist between the two disasters. Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana so the federal government couldn’t react until the local officials requested help from the federal government, but the oil leak is the fed’s responsibility do to the location of the well.
Of course, Liberals would never sit still if something threatened the environment only Conservatives do that wacko’s like Harry Reed would try to make you believe such rhetoric. Some Liberals as well as pundits have claimed that Republicans are simply using the oil spill to attack the Obama administration. When in reality they are doing a great job to bring attention to themselves. Pennsylvania Representative Joe Sestack confessed this past Sunday on Meet The Press that he was approached on multiple occasions by the administration with a job offer in exchange for his candidacy for the Democratic primary so Arlen Specter would clinch that seat. The Obama administration prefers Arlen Specter since he recently switched parties for his own political gain. Another claim has recently surfaced of a separate incident of another bribe attempt by the White House to Representative Andrew Romanoff from Colorado for the vacated Senate seat by now Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. All of these political improprieties are considered illegal as well as unethical. How low must a politician stoop to use bribes to obtain favorable results?
Barack Obama sealed his fate when he chose to ignore the American people’s objection to the laundry list of his doing such as Obama care. When will this guy get a clue? When will he realize that ethics are important in a country that operates in a democratic republic? When will he understand how valuable all of the core principles upon which this nation was founded are to all Americans? Finally, when will he understand that even the President of the United States still has to abide by the Constitution as well as all the laws of the land? Mr. President we’re tired of your lack of respect for this great nation. We’re tired of your willingness to deem yourself superior to any other ordinary citizen. This is why this November the perfect storm will hit DC. It will sweep up all those bureaucrats who are disgracing and destroying this country and it will drown out those who are trying to sink us even further into debt. I hope that his staff can book him a condo in Hawaii say starting January, 2012.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Real Immigration Bill.

Hey yall, it’s been a while since I last wrote a blog piece. I had to write about the recent controversial immigration law passed by the Arizona state legislature though. What’s wrong with protecting the residence of a state by enforcing local laws?
Ok, let’s review the criticisms of this law. Some individuals, meaning the usual suspects Al Sharpton, La Raza, LULAC, Charles Barkley, and even Shaqira have all spoken out against the newest law in Arizona. They claim that such a law is unconstitutional since it allows for profiling to take place. Also, they continue to say that this law violates the civil liberties of anyone who might be in Arizona from another country. Finally, they claim that this law allows an officer to act out of racial hatred towards any immigrant that lives in the Valley of the Sun. Now I wonder what does an illegal alien look like.
Arizona has now gained national and even international prominence for passing a piece of legislation into law designed to deter illegal aliens from living in Arizona. The bill signed by Governor Janice Brewer makes it a misdemeanor offense for an individual to not possess proper documentation if they are detained for any unlawful behavior. The bill does contain language that prohibits officers from stopping individuals solely on the basis of appearance, nationality, or race. So the idea that the police will now simply stop anyone because they have an agenda against foreigners is invalid. Law enforcement officers can now ask for proof that an individual is in the United States legally. This can only occur during lawful contact such as getting pulled over to the curb for a traffic violation. Most states already require drivers to present their driver’s license along with registration papers when they are stopped by the police. What’s so outrageous about asking someone for some type of valid identification?
The mainstream media along with some so called modern civil rights activists have deemed this law as an attack against foreigners. If the federal government were to take the enforcement of immigration laws seriously in states that border Mexico and Canada, then states like Arizona wouldn’t have to resort to these types of legal measures. This law doesn’t discourage anyone from migrating into the United States it does discourage individuals from remaining in this country illegally though. This isn’t an attack on a certain portion of the population it’s a stance to protect all the residence of a state that in recent years has become a haven for human smugglers along with drug traffickers that enter US. Soil through the border with Mexico. Also, a person isn’t entitled to any legal protection other than the most basic laws of mankind if they are in a country illegally.
Law enforcement officers risk their lives every day to protect all the residence of the state of Arizona, and they aren’t simply going to stop doing so to target a certain spectrum of the population even if that’s how some portray it. I have complete faith in all men and women who are in uniform. No legal system is perfect so some incidents may take place, but a couple of sour apples shouldn’t reflect negatively on the integrity of all police officers.
All states have the right to protect the sovereignty of the United States through local laws so long as the laws they put in place are in accordance with the United States Constitution or preexisting federal statutes. I’m sure that the 70% of Arizona residence who agree with this law should be taken into account. Every individual who lives in the United States has an opportunity to enjoy all of the wonders that are part of the American way of life so long as each person is here legally. Most individuals who migrate to this country sole purpose are to have an opportunity to prosper, but all countries have to enforce laws in order to maintain their identity as a nation.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Isn't An Option!

Hey you’ll, I hope that you are doing well. Well the true political intentions of the Democratic Party along with those of President Obama have surfaced. It’s quite clear their willingness to use the 51 vote option to pass Obama Care. Isn’t it funny how opinions change when desperation sets in, and isn’t it sad to witness the use of political intimidation to force those in Congress to shove another undesired piece of legislation down the throat of every American?
President Obama in the past blasted Republicans for utilizing the so called nuclear option when Democrats refused to participate in the confirmation hearings of judges that President George W. Bush had nominated. These judges were qualified in every conceivable aspect, yet Democrats blocked these hearings for months. When Republicans used 51 votes to overcome this block Senators such as Barack Obama called this approach “arrogant and power grabbing.” Hmm, how time changes. Now that Obama Care has lost the support of the American people, the support of moderate to Conservative Democrats, and even some Liberal Democrats fearing back lash in November. This chain reaction has resulted in President Obama to ask his Party members to use the nuclear option. Wait, certainly the President wouldn’t want his Party to appear arrogant and power grabbing though?
The leaders of the Democratic Party have realized that every measure of intimidation must be enforced against those who oppose this overhaul. For instance, an investigation was initiated by the House Ethics Committee for “inappropriate comments” made by Rep. Eric Massa to a member of his staff. This all happened after Massa informed Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of Staff, that he wouldn’t vote for Obama Care. Massa on a radio interview discussed the harsh relentless techniques used by the Obama administration so as to persuade him to change his vote. He described a series of encounters with Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of Staff that took place inside of the shower area of the House gym. He also described a phone call in which Emanuel used foul language to reprimand Massa. A characteristic often attributed to Emanuel.
For a softer approach Rep. Jim Matheson of Utah voted against Obama Care the first time around, but by some miracle more like political bribery President Obama nominated his brother Scott as a federal judge. Rep. Matheson has now altered his emphatic no to a maybe. I thought President Obama had insisted that no more back room deals were going to take place in Washington.
When will Washington learn to do what’s best for Americans? When will they listen to those who put them in power? Every poll shows an overwhelming opposition to this bill. In fact, CNN reported a couple weeks ago that only 25% of Americans still favor the current bill. Why must a President impose its will on his constituents. He isn’t supposed to act like a dictator. He continues to emphasize that the political future of all politicians aren’t important as long as Obama Care gets passed. A true sign of total desperation.
It’s my firm belief that all American’s must stand up to any politician or politicians who decide to impose their will on all of us. We live in a Democracy not a radical extremist state. Anyone who can vote should make an effort to get involved in the political process now not in November. Letters need to be sent, calls need to be made, and emails need to be sent to the 535 members of Congress. They need to know that Americans aren’t sheep’s who will follow the commands of the political shepherds that will lead this country off of the precipice. It would be catastrophic to surrender the freedom to manage our own health to the tentacles of the federal government. The Constitution doesn’t allow for such a tyrannical empowerment of the federal government, and as a nation neither should we allow it to happen.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

We know best how to spend your money.

Hey you’ll, it’s been a while since my last post. As you can tell the blog has gotten upgraded. I hope this will invite more people to visit, and I hope that more people will start sharing their opinions.
It appears that the title of this piece accurately describes the philosophy embraced by the Obama administration. The evidence can fill countless volumes. I will just share a few crucial instances. Although I always thought that parents taught their children to always tell the truth even if the end result of their actions wasn’t one of rainbows, sunshine, and lollypops.
One year has passed since the first stimulus package got shoved down the throats of the American people. A 787 billion dollar piece of legislation that according to President Obama has “prevented a second great depression from happening.” The leadership of the Democratic Party along with the main news outlets claim that so far this piece of legislation alone has help create jobs as well as has help rescue the economy from doom.
It’s quite obvious that misleading the American people is essential for Liberalism in power 101. Let’s review the facts as they stand. Claim 1. By passing the Recovery Act unemployment rate won’t rise above 8%. I’m sorry; someone obviously didn’t do very well in arithmetic’s in school Fact 1. The current unemployment rate happens to be 9.7%.
Claim 2. The Recovery Act will help create jobs in the private sector. If by private sector they meant the expansion of government jobs across the country they are quite right. Fact 2. The Recovery Act helped employ some new 10,000 government workers without creating any real jobs. One more example that the American people are struggling financially while the federal government continues to screw anyone it can.
Claim 3. The Recovery Act will help start the process of cutting into the national debt. Their ability to deal with numbers resembles Obama’s speaking skills when the teleprompter freezes. Fact 3. Congress passed a bill allowing for the ceiling of the national debt to be raised by 2 trillion dollars. This means that by 2020 the federal government will owe approximately 5% of the United States GDP.
Finally my favorite claim. Claim 4. The Recovery Act will only contain necessary spending without any wasteful spending. This bill had more pork than a foot long ballpark dog does. Fact 4. It appears that $150,000 of the stimulus package went towards remodeling houses in Oklahoma that were about to get demolished.
It’s evident that there are 787 billion reasons why this bill should have never gotten passed. The tax payers continue to take it on the chin and wallet with every massive spending piece of legislation passed by Congress. When will those in Congress along with in the White House learn the simple lesson that the solution to a large deficit and poor economy isn’t through more spending. The only way the economy will get back on track will be the day Congress allows the American people to keep their money, and instead of demanding even more money they let each person spend it as they so desire. It’s time for the federal government to go back to what the founding fathers of this great nation intended it for it to be. It should focus on keeping us safe, making sure that laws are passed in accordance to the Constitution, and to encourage people to realize the American dream instead of making it a nightmare. The Recovery Act has been a colossal disaster, and it has proved that those in Washington have forgotten the phrase “no taxation without representation,” that inspired our founding fathers to become an independent nation. One where the tyranny of the King and Parliament wouldn’t hinder the life of all its citizens. Right now we are feeling the wrath of the tyranny imposed by Congress and the White House. It’s time to continue to send them packing if they choose to pass even more asinine pieces of legislation like the Robbery Act as I call it.