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Monday, July 21, 2008


Hey all, the Middle East sure has captures most of the headline news today. I want to address the trial of an individual captured fighting against the free world.
Today marks the first day in the trial of Salim Ahmed Hamdan in the military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Hamdan is accused of participating in terrorist activities in 2001. He use to be the personal driver and mechanic for Osama bin Laden. According to a story published in Reuters reports that his defense attorneys say he was never a terrorist. Also, they claim he was simply trying to make a living when he chauffeured the Al Qaeda leader. Their biggest defense states that most of the evidence compiled against Hamdan occurred through the torturous techniques imposed on him by interrogators. The story describes the members of the jury as 13 military officers who will be dwindled down to 5 who will decide his future.
It’s just too bad that a guy who coveted a man who swore to kill all Americans and the American way of life got treated harshly. I guess he was expecting a trip to Universal Studios instead. I’m sorry Mr. Hamdan that you lived in a prison with other scum bags that were captured in the battle field. I wish that he would have received the treatment of shoot first ask later instead.
Why are we criticize for using necessary means for interrogation, but when one of our soldiers gets manhandled well too bad for them. Some people even think that they wouldn’t treat us so harshly if we received their fighters kindly. I am tired of stupid rules that interfere with the progress the military can make in the battle field. If Mr. Hamdan didn’t want to be sent to a prison that provides him with 3 square meals along with accommodating him with religious materials he should have stayed in Yemen. You don’t really think that he was trusted with any important information about Al qaeda since he only drove bin Laden around do you? I hope they were able to squeeze all the vital information out of him. I don’t care for anymore innocent people dying for a cause that doesn’t spare anyone who doesn’t submit to their agenda. I hope he is stuck with Big Bubba for the rest of his natural life. I wonder how much he will like sharing a bunk with someone who doesn’t have to play by any rules.
I don’t advocate for a military without rules, but I do wish that human rights groups would stop sticking their noses in the wrong place. American forces have to deal with an enemy without uniform, character, or any willingness to stop. I say if they don’t want more interrogations to happen, if they don’t want for the scum bags to answer necessary questions, and then kill all the terrorists. Those who try to kill the innocent, demoralize the weak, and conquer those who are different from them don’t deserve a second chance. All I have to say about that is soldier continue to kick Al Qaeda’s butt. James.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think he was trusted with vital information. After all, he was Ben Laden's driver. People do talk in cars. Of course, it'll probably take an act of Congress to get any information out of this guy.