The Red, White, and Blue

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What's your top price?

Hey all, I want to say that I am glad that our voices are getting heard by Congress. Several attempts have been made to initiate drilling at home, and some officials have changed their stances on oil rising from our own wells. Thank God for phones with obnoxious ringers.
Another day passes by with gas prices rising. The last few weeks highlight how much countries like Saudi Arabia really care about pumping more oil so we can use it. It’s time to smack the royal pocket book shut. They won’t increase production at all, but they’ll happily continue to rake money in from what they export. Congresses tries to negotiate with the royal family, but won’t accommodate us by exploiting our own resources. We should make money on our resources, and we should get other countries to purchase our petroleum while another source of energy is developed. Oh by the way, the latest Zogby pole shows that 65% of Americans support off shore drilling.
Republican Senators along with a couple Democrats managed to block a bill that would impose taxes on oil companies based on their revenues. I guess the way to solve a crisis is by punishing business that do well. I just want to point out that the United States conducted a geological survey of undiscovered oil in Montana and North Dakota. They found that 3.2 billion barrels lie underneath the basin comprising these two states. Why haven’t we tapped into it yet?
John McCain has now started supporting drilling at home. He even proposed that 25 nuclear plants get built. Good for you Senator McCain I like this approach. Senator Obama so far has opposed drilling at home, reversing from ethanol as the main fuel, and building any more nuclear plants. I wonder how he’ll feel when it costs him $7 to fill up his tank. Oh I forgot we pay for his gas through taxes.
Are you willing to stop higher food and gas prices by asking your Senator and Congress person to start drilling at home? I doubt anyone thinks that using corn for ethanol is really contributing to the economy in a positive way. What will it take for even more people to speak out against dependence on countries like Saudi Arabia? I want American business to thrive. I want our economy to go back to what it once was, and I want to know that mortgaging the house isn’t necessary to fill up a car’s gas tank. I want to know at what point Americans will say enough political bs. Congress stop fighting each other, and help us fight outrageous food and gas prices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Politicians make so much money that they could practically hire the gas station attendant to pump their gas for them. They probably see the price on the news or something instead of at the gas station, but that's getting off topic. I think that we need to statr drilling for more oil somewhere, preferably here in this country wherever we can get it. May it help immediately? No. May it help in the future? Definitely. We will eventually run out of oil. Start drilling now for future generations. Maybe if we halfway look like we're trying to drill here in our own country, gas prices might go down a tiny bit.