Hello all Friday is here once again. Do you have a pet you care for? Well, many Americans along with people around the world have them too. I want to know your pet story.
Uncle Sam reports that in 2006 the pet industry in America cost about 200 million dollars. You can find trusts, insurance, hotels, and nanny like services. I have a German Shepherd as my pet. She is my guide dog, and an incredible dog. People from all walks of life have all sorts of incredible creatures to keep them company. Look at all the reaction that the Michael Vick scandal caused last year. Animals are an important part of many homes. What animal keeps you company? I might have a belly full of steam when it comes to politics and sports, but I have a soft heart when it comes to animals. James.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tell Congress too pump more.
Hello all, I want to address a topic I already wrote about. I want to talk about high oil prices from a global perspective though.
For many years member of the US. Congress has passed laws prohibiting oil companies from drilling in various areas that are known to have oil reserves due to a possible threat to the environment. America lies at the mercy of foreign countries for oil since members of Congress rather are friendly to the various environmentalist groups. I won’t get in that tare today.
I want to prove that a market should be supply and demand, and not a monopoly of a few countries that have huge egos. Brazil tired of depending on Venezuela’s mercy for oil decided to drill in the Atlantic coast. According to World Net Daily Brazilian officials discovered a reserve containing up to 80 billion barrels of oil. They now can export this oil instead of depending on Saudi Arabia. The BBC reported yesterday that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced plans for Great Britain to seek furthering drillings of the North Sea.
Why all the countries outside of our own are have the right idea? I am signing a petition created by American Solutions to ask Congress to drill in the US soon and to stop trying to create complicated policies that gets us nowhere. I hope that you will voice your opinion to your representative so they know that they are their to do what we need them to do. We have to voice our opinions, or they are not going to help decrease the game that gasoline prices have become. Are you going to let them hear your voice, or are you just going to sit back complaining about the current rising gas prices? James.
For many years member of the US. Congress has passed laws prohibiting oil companies from drilling in various areas that are known to have oil reserves due to a possible threat to the environment. America lies at the mercy of foreign countries for oil since members of Congress rather are friendly to the various environmentalist groups. I won’t get in that tare today.
I want to prove that a market should be supply and demand, and not a monopoly of a few countries that have huge egos. Brazil tired of depending on Venezuela’s mercy for oil decided to drill in the Atlantic coast. According to World Net Daily Brazilian officials discovered a reserve containing up to 80 billion barrels of oil. They now can export this oil instead of depending on Saudi Arabia. The BBC reported yesterday that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced plans for Great Britain to seek furthering drillings of the North Sea.
Why all the countries outside of our own are have the right idea? I am signing a petition created by American Solutions to ask Congress to drill in the US soon and to stop trying to create complicated policies that gets us nowhere. I hope that you will voice your opinion to your representative so they know that they are their to do what we need them to do. We have to voice our opinions, or they are not going to help decrease the game that gasoline prices have become. Are you going to let them hear your voice, or are you just going to sit back complaining about the current rising gas prices? James.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What about China?
Hello all, well watching the news doesn’t surely excite anyone does it? So far the only events to make headlines are natural disasters, economic downfalls, and weather problems. One of the regions most impacted by natural disasters is China. According to the latest estimate the earthquake death toll surpasses 60000 this according to figures given by MSNBC. I want to know if all the warmth shown by the Chinese government to their citizens occur as a response to the disaster, or is China really evolving.
China has always been a source of curiosity for Western cultures. Although debated by scholars Marco Polo was the first Westerner to visit this vast country. Their culture comprised of many traditions procured fascination by European countries. The creation of the silk road marked the initial exposure of China to the world. They have always maintained strict policies against other countries. Several countries have had to impose gun boat diplomacy to reach the grounds beyond the Great Wall. I want to give a cultural synopsis to solidify my argument.
America really never feared China as a growing rival in the world’s market, or even considered it a true player in the world prior to recent administrations. Their participation in the Vietnam conflict marked a disassociation between the two nations. Some had forecast China’s rapid population growth may indicate how ambitious their government intended to be. I couldn’t find an exact date, but starting in the 60’s according to the Kato Institute China initiated its one child policy. Couples were only allowed to produce one child, and those who violated this policy did still do suffer social along with financial fines. This population controlling ideology has now been for the first time in numerous years exempted.
Today Andrew Jacobs from the International Herald Tribune reported that the Chengdu Population and Family Planning Committee located in Sichuan Province granted an opportunity for parents who where affected by the earthquake to apply so they can have another kid. Parents can apply for permission from the government which would allow them to have another child without any penalties. I think it’s a total human rights catastrophe to have a government dictate how many children a couple may produce. The idea that a federal government can impose so much control over citizens is startling. I wonder if the ability for couples to seek permission to have another child came out of the warm heart of the Chinese government.
China has really hit an economic boom. The GDP, Growth Domestic Products grew by 8 percent from 1999 to 2000 according to the latest figures provided by the National Bureau of Statistics in China. Their GDP reached 1.08 billion dollars in 2000. Of course, they obey all international labor laws. So much so that they are a chartered member of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The United Nation web site www.un.org indicates that their membership expires in 2009. A country that produces massive amounts of goods must have extremely profitable business owned by Chinese nationals. Most of the business are owned by international companies, or are manipulated by the Chinese government. The amount of impoverish people is commonly known throughout the world to be widespread throughout the whole country. Anyone who disagrees with any law gets a short trip to the Sea of China. The economic struggle of the majority of the population is evident by the tremendous infrastructure damaged caused by the May 12 earthquake.
A long rant I know. This is my main point though. It’s quite convenient to by goods that are cheap produced by companies who purchased them from China. An economic giant has awakened in this far East country. How in humane is it for a government to control their own population? Why do we continue to acknowledge the Chinese government by allowing them membership into the UN Human Rights Council? I would love to extend a hand to those suffering from the earthquake, but how to circumvent the political chaos produced by a Communist government? Any financial assistance by foreign entities gets sorted out by the communist government. What are your thoughts on the current state of this country? James.
China has always been a source of curiosity for Western cultures. Although debated by scholars Marco Polo was the first Westerner to visit this vast country. Their culture comprised of many traditions procured fascination by European countries. The creation of the silk road marked the initial exposure of China to the world. They have always maintained strict policies against other countries. Several countries have had to impose gun boat diplomacy to reach the grounds beyond the Great Wall. I want to give a cultural synopsis to solidify my argument.
America really never feared China as a growing rival in the world’s market, or even considered it a true player in the world prior to recent administrations. Their participation in the Vietnam conflict marked a disassociation between the two nations. Some had forecast China’s rapid population growth may indicate how ambitious their government intended to be. I couldn’t find an exact date, but starting in the 60’s according to the Kato Institute China initiated its one child policy. Couples were only allowed to produce one child, and those who violated this policy did still do suffer social along with financial fines. This population controlling ideology has now been for the first time in numerous years exempted.
Today Andrew Jacobs from the International Herald Tribune reported that the Chengdu Population and Family Planning Committee located in Sichuan Province granted an opportunity for parents who where affected by the earthquake to apply so they can have another kid. Parents can apply for permission from the government which would allow them to have another child without any penalties. I think it’s a total human rights catastrophe to have a government dictate how many children a couple may produce. The idea that a federal government can impose so much control over citizens is startling. I wonder if the ability for couples to seek permission to have another child came out of the warm heart of the Chinese government.
China has really hit an economic boom. The GDP, Growth Domestic Products grew by 8 percent from 1999 to 2000 according to the latest figures provided by the National Bureau of Statistics in China. Their GDP reached 1.08 billion dollars in 2000. Of course, they obey all international labor laws. So much so that they are a chartered member of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The United Nation web site www.un.org indicates that their membership expires in 2009. A country that produces massive amounts of goods must have extremely profitable business owned by Chinese nationals. Most of the business are owned by international companies, or are manipulated by the Chinese government. The amount of impoverish people is commonly known throughout the world to be widespread throughout the whole country. Anyone who disagrees with any law gets a short trip to the Sea of China. The economic struggle of the majority of the population is evident by the tremendous infrastructure damaged caused by the May 12 earthquake.
A long rant I know. This is my main point though. It’s quite convenient to by goods that are cheap produced by companies who purchased them from China. An economic giant has awakened in this far East country. How in humane is it for a government to control their own population? Why do we continue to acknowledge the Chinese government by allowing them membership into the UN Human Rights Council? I would love to extend a hand to those suffering from the earthquake, but how to circumvent the political chaos produced by a Communist government? Any financial assistance by foreign entities gets sorted out by the communist government. What are your thoughts on the current state of this country? James.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A distinguish few.
Hello all, I hope that you are having a good weekend. Most people take this time to sit back, and spend the long weekend with their families. I want to write a special entry to celebrate those men and women who have, are, or made the ultimate sacrifice. I know this will be jumbled up, but I get emotional when I talk about this topic.
This year most folks have many complaints like high gas prices, economical struggles, and just the common day to day issues. This weekend those problems should put aside. No, it shouldn’t be just this weekend. It should be everyday that we thank those brave men and women who has worn the uniform of the United States military. I want to personally thank every single person who has ever served. I would love to have the honor to shake your hand, and thank you for your contribution to the sustaining of such a wonderful country. Although hard work allows us to earn the ability to own all our material goods: we aren’t any different than any other person anywhere else in the world. I know I feel blessed to live in such a wonderful country, and I thank you once again for protecting my way of life. Thank you for allowing me to earn what my effort has brought to fruition. We get what we earn not what is entitled to us.
All the men and women who serve do it for the love of their country. Even if they disagree with the agenda from that of the government who sent them they still complete their mission without questioning the motives. Thank you those who served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Granada, Gulf War, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Thank you for putting your life on the line so we can still enjoy all of the freedoms we enjoy.
I want to make something clear. I thank Senator McCain for his service during the Vietnam conflict. His toughness allowed enduring all those years of torture. I know his military experience makes him an excellent candidate in 08, or does it only expose his political weakness?
Senator McCain can’t rely on his military record to win the White House. All men and women fight so that Democratic principles remain dominant in our government. They battle forces intending to eliminate the laws of the Constitution. Senator McCain’s social policies would void all the years he spent in the Hanoi Hilton. His domestic policies render all of our troop’s hard work pointless.
Enough politics though. I want you to know that no matter your rank, role, or experience while in the service thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Navy, Army, Air force, Marines, Army Rangers, and Navy Seals. Also, thank you to all the friendly allied forces that have fought side by side with this brave group of individuals. For those who have made the ultimate sacrifice I would like to have the opportunity to say a prayer for them. I know that families often serve as the backbone of most who are deployed. Thank you for remaining strong while your love ones fight far away from home. Your job is vital to the moral of our armed forces. I would love to here from families, active service troops, or even those who are no longer active. I don’t feel confident about the future of this country from a political perspective, but I will always feel safe as long as American troops where the Red White and Blue. Thank you all for what I have, and continue success in all future missions. I know that you will continue to make all of those proud. I will think about all of you this weekend, and if you ever need a friend I am always ready to reach out to you. James.
This year most folks have many complaints like high gas prices, economical struggles, and just the common day to day issues. This weekend those problems should put aside. No, it shouldn’t be just this weekend. It should be everyday that we thank those brave men and women who has worn the uniform of the United States military. I want to personally thank every single person who has ever served. I would love to have the honor to shake your hand, and thank you for your contribution to the sustaining of such a wonderful country. Although hard work allows us to earn the ability to own all our material goods: we aren’t any different than any other person anywhere else in the world. I know I feel blessed to live in such a wonderful country, and I thank you once again for protecting my way of life. Thank you for allowing me to earn what my effort has brought to fruition. We get what we earn not what is entitled to us.
All the men and women who serve do it for the love of their country. Even if they disagree with the agenda from that of the government who sent them they still complete their mission without questioning the motives. Thank you those who served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Granada, Gulf War, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Thank you for putting your life on the line so we can still enjoy all of the freedoms we enjoy.
I want to make something clear. I thank Senator McCain for his service during the Vietnam conflict. His toughness allowed enduring all those years of torture. I know his military experience makes him an excellent candidate in 08, or does it only expose his political weakness?
Senator McCain can’t rely on his military record to win the White House. All men and women fight so that Democratic principles remain dominant in our government. They battle forces intending to eliminate the laws of the Constitution. Senator McCain’s social policies would void all the years he spent in the Hanoi Hilton. His domestic policies render all of our troop’s hard work pointless.
Enough politics though. I want you to know that no matter your rank, role, or experience while in the service thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Navy, Army, Air force, Marines, Army Rangers, and Navy Seals. Also, thank you to all the friendly allied forces that have fought side by side with this brave group of individuals. For those who have made the ultimate sacrifice I would like to have the opportunity to say a prayer for them. I know that families often serve as the backbone of most who are deployed. Thank you for remaining strong while your love ones fight far away from home. Your job is vital to the moral of our armed forces. I would love to here from families, active service troops, or even those who are no longer active. I don’t feel confident about the future of this country from a political perspective, but I will always feel safe as long as American troops where the Red White and Blue. Thank you all for what I have, and continue success in all future missions. I know that you will continue to make all of those proud. I will think about all of you this weekend, and if you ever need a friend I am always ready to reach out to you. James.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Day at the pump.
Hello all, another hot summer day. It’s a Holiday weekend those who are traveling I hope you enjoy a safe trip, and hope you aren’t holding on to your wallets wondering why so much of your money went down the fuel line.
It is no secret that fuel prices have raised to an all time high. According to AAA Daily Gas Gage Report right now the average unleaded gallon of gas costs about $3.87. I know your blood pressure must be rising right now as you continue to read. I do have to give the following disclaimer; I can’t drive as I am totally blind. If I drove people might save on gas since they wouldn’t drive to protect themselves. I’ve had enough from our so called “leaders” from Congress. According to various sources federal taxes comprise about 15% of the average cost of a gallon of gas.
One of the complaints we’ve often heard is that we depend on foreign countries for our oil way too much. Congressional leaders try to demonize the oil companies for their huge profits in this poor economical state that currently exists. Oil companies actually make their money from products like rubber. They actually earn about 17 cent per gallon of gasoline. Uncle Sam gets 47 cents per gallon of gasoline. Oh, did you know you help pay for the cars that each member of Congress drives?
Members of Congress use tax payer money to pay for the cost of their cars, and to pay for their consumption of gasoline. Your money getting spent so carefully. Why don’t they allow for oil companies to build new refineries? Why can’t they explore areas off the Gulf of Mexico near Florida? Why don’t they get the chance to drill in Alaska with technology that affects the environment as much as all their carbon foot prints do? Congressional leaders oppose the construction of nuclear plants, but they support subsidizing corn for the use of ethanol. Let’s develop alternative sources of fuel as the oil supply at home gets used. This way after we are out of oil in a few decades we don’t have to depend on those OPEC countries that aren’t fond of us.
Thanks guys, all groceries prices have raised do to the lack of effectiveness of ethanol.
I am not an expert on this subject. I will bring more specific numbers if anyone wants them. Why do we elect people who don’t care about our economy into office? Why do we let them get away with idiotic claims like threatening Saudi Arabia with not selling them weapons if they don’t increase their oil production. Excuse me, why are we selling them weapons in the first place? They can sponsor the killing of our men and women, hold us hostage over a barrel, and use our weapons against us. People please vote for officials that will solve this problem in the long run. Enough taxes on gas, enough subsidizing of our national products, and enough screwing up our economy. Please voice your opinions so people in DC as well as your local leaders know that their buns are on the hot seat. If they don’t have power, then they can’t continue to do what they want. Remind them that we live in a representative democracy, and we vote for those who actually do what is best for us. Let me know how you feel about this. Please let it all out. You will feel much better once you do. If all fails well their will be a huge number of scooters on the roads. James.
It is no secret that fuel prices have raised to an all time high. According to AAA Daily Gas Gage Report right now the average unleaded gallon of gas costs about $3.87. I know your blood pressure must be rising right now as you continue to read. I do have to give the following disclaimer; I can’t drive as I am totally blind. If I drove people might save on gas since they wouldn’t drive to protect themselves. I’ve had enough from our so called “leaders” from Congress. According to various sources federal taxes comprise about 15% of the average cost of a gallon of gas.
One of the complaints we’ve often heard is that we depend on foreign countries for our oil way too much. Congressional leaders try to demonize the oil companies for their huge profits in this poor economical state that currently exists. Oil companies actually make their money from products like rubber. They actually earn about 17 cent per gallon of gasoline. Uncle Sam gets 47 cents per gallon of gasoline. Oh, did you know you help pay for the cars that each member of Congress drives?
Members of Congress use tax payer money to pay for the cost of their cars, and to pay for their consumption of gasoline. Your money getting spent so carefully. Why don’t they allow for oil companies to build new refineries? Why can’t they explore areas off the Gulf of Mexico near Florida? Why don’t they get the chance to drill in Alaska with technology that affects the environment as much as all their carbon foot prints do? Congressional leaders oppose the construction of nuclear plants, but they support subsidizing corn for the use of ethanol. Let’s develop alternative sources of fuel as the oil supply at home gets used. This way after we are out of oil in a few decades we don’t have to depend on those OPEC countries that aren’t fond of us.
Thanks guys, all groceries prices have raised do to the lack of effectiveness of ethanol.
I am not an expert on this subject. I will bring more specific numbers if anyone wants them. Why do we elect people who don’t care about our economy into office? Why do we let them get away with idiotic claims like threatening Saudi Arabia with not selling them weapons if they don’t increase their oil production. Excuse me, why are we selling them weapons in the first place? They can sponsor the killing of our men and women, hold us hostage over a barrel, and use our weapons against us. People please vote for officials that will solve this problem in the long run. Enough taxes on gas, enough subsidizing of our national products, and enough screwing up our economy. Please voice your opinions so people in DC as well as your local leaders know that their buns are on the hot seat. If they don’t have power, then they can’t continue to do what they want. Remind them that we live in a representative democracy, and we vote for those who actually do what is best for us. Let me know how you feel about this. Please let it all out. You will feel much better once you do. If all fails well their will be a huge number of scooters on the roads. James.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hello all welcome to my blog. I want you to come here, and ponder about the issues that affect society. I want you to express yourself regardless of who you are.
I want to make it clear that I intend to discuss topics that are controversial. I also plan to state my opinion even if it is silly. I criticize individual’s perspectives, political ideologies, points of views, and their stances. I don’t attack a person’s character unless they provoke such a lashing.
My first topic has to do with race. For many years America has tried to create a race blind society. This means that no one is judged based on the color of their skin, ethnicity, or even heritage. Through various movements progress has been made towards a more tolerant society. Absolute lack of discrimination will never occur as America is composed of a variety of migrants from multiple countries. Why does race continue to play a role in who will get elected President of the United States in 2008.
Senator Barack Obama one of the two Democratic candidates left happens to be black. I am proud to know that America has progressed from slavery considered as a major interstate commerce trade to the next President of the United States. That is a giant leap that proves how much society in the United States has evolved. Also, Senator Hilary Clinton makes up the other buyable candidate for the Democratic Party. Women were once not recognized as citizens of this country. They had to wait longer than African Americans to be eligible to vote. Even more proof of societal evolution
My problem lies in the constant reference made by Senator Obama to his race to salvage a political position that wasn’t that popular, or to attack those who disapprove of his agenda. Look, I am totally blind. I can’t tell who is what race. The only reason I know Obama is black is do to his own reference to his race. If you criticize his friend’s rhetoric like Jeremiah Wright its most is because he is black. If you attack his wife’s idiotic babbles about how much minorities struggle in this country: it’s because she is black. I don’t care what your gender or ethnicity is. If you are going to lead my country into the toilet I will criticize you as much as I want.
I won’t quote any specific source as I don’t know the legal ramifications they could have as I am a new logger. It’s widely understood that the majority of black voters support Barack Obama simply since he is of the same race. Why throw away all of the work that all the Civil Rights leaders did? If you are going to support someone does it since you agree with their ideology. People need to stop using superficial reasons like skin color to support someone. I will use one example. If a white voter chooses to pull the lever for Hilary Clinton or John McCain since they are white. Would that make them racist? How do you feel about people isolating themselves do to skin color. I just want a leader. I just want someone who gives a damn about this country. I don’t care for anymore power hungry bureaucrats. I also don’t want someone who would use race as a political scapegoat from any policy that fails. Senator Obama prove to us that you are more than an icon who will say anything to be elected. Stop proposing Marxist ideas that will make the Constitution irrelevant. All I ask if that the next President preserves America as such a great country. I want them to keep us safe, and restore in the minds of foreigners the idea of coming to America any dream can become a reality if you work hard enough for it. James.
I want to make it clear that I intend to discuss topics that are controversial. I also plan to state my opinion even if it is silly. I criticize individual’s perspectives, political ideologies, points of views, and their stances. I don’t attack a person’s character unless they provoke such a lashing.
My first topic has to do with race. For many years America has tried to create a race blind society. This means that no one is judged based on the color of their skin, ethnicity, or even heritage. Through various movements progress has been made towards a more tolerant society. Absolute lack of discrimination will never occur as America is composed of a variety of migrants from multiple countries. Why does race continue to play a role in who will get elected President of the United States in 2008.
Senator Barack Obama one of the two Democratic candidates left happens to be black. I am proud to know that America has progressed from slavery considered as a major interstate commerce trade to the next President of the United States. That is a giant leap that proves how much society in the United States has evolved. Also, Senator Hilary Clinton makes up the other buyable candidate for the Democratic Party. Women were once not recognized as citizens of this country. They had to wait longer than African Americans to be eligible to vote. Even more proof of societal evolution
My problem lies in the constant reference made by Senator Obama to his race to salvage a political position that wasn’t that popular, or to attack those who disapprove of his agenda. Look, I am totally blind. I can’t tell who is what race. The only reason I know Obama is black is do to his own reference to his race. If you criticize his friend’s rhetoric like Jeremiah Wright its most is because he is black. If you attack his wife’s idiotic babbles about how much minorities struggle in this country: it’s because she is black. I don’t care what your gender or ethnicity is. If you are going to lead my country into the toilet I will criticize you as much as I want.
I won’t quote any specific source as I don’t know the legal ramifications they could have as I am a new logger. It’s widely understood that the majority of black voters support Barack Obama simply since he is of the same race. Why throw away all of the work that all the Civil Rights leaders did? If you are going to support someone does it since you agree with their ideology. People need to stop using superficial reasons like skin color to support someone. I will use one example. If a white voter chooses to pull the lever for Hilary Clinton or John McCain since they are white. Would that make them racist? How do you feel about people isolating themselves do to skin color. I just want a leader. I just want someone who gives a damn about this country. I don’t care for anymore power hungry bureaucrats. I also don’t want someone who would use race as a political scapegoat from any policy that fails. Senator Obama prove to us that you are more than an icon who will say anything to be elected. Stop proposing Marxist ideas that will make the Constitution irrelevant. All I ask if that the next President preserves America as such a great country. I want them to keep us safe, and restore in the minds of foreigners the idea of coming to America any dream can become a reality if you work hard enough for it. James.
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