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Sunday, October 23, 2011

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Stimulus Part 2.

One of the most practical lessons I learned as a child was that every action has some type of reaction or consequence that accompanies it. So every decision a person makes will result in some type of consequence. For instance, if you put your hand on a hot stove you will burn yourself no matter if it is a low flame or a high. The severity of the burn will depend on how long your hand is on the stove along with how high the burner is. Well, apparently Liberals and their leadership never learned this kind of a lesson when they were attending leadership 101.
Let’s apply this logic to the idea that investing in infrastructure will create millions of shovel ready jobs once again. In the last stimulus package President Obama claimed that a large portion of the money would be devoted to improving the nation’s infrastructure. According to the President these projects would create a surplus of jobs in construction and other areas involved in such a task, but this never happened. What did happen was tax payer money got wasted, and the only shoveling was done by the President himself on what he sold to the American people.
Now Liberals are trying to claim that this time around it will really result in the creation of jobs. That this time around it will create a boost that the economy badly need. They insist that improving highways, building new schools, constructing new bridges, and improving other areas will finally do the trick. The problem is that the government is supposed to be doing this already. State taxes and federal taxes are already allocated to take care of all of these problems. What happened to the money already squeezed out of tax payers that were suppose to improve little Sally’s school? I thought that the last stimulus would have taken care of any pot holes along highway 1.
The truth is that the money that was intended to help to fix all of these problems got spent creating others. It got used to serve other purposes like keeping certain lobbyist happy. Does Solyndra sound familiar to anyone? Could infrastructure possibly create jobs, maybe? The problem is that we don’t have money that can just be spent guessing. If states weren’t so overwhelmed with federal red tape more highways and roads would get fixed. If the NEA actually did their job, then money could be spent to improve schools. President Obama needs to realize that no matter how many times he tries to pass another massive piece of legislation saying that it will create numerous jobs throughout infrastructure is about as valid as saying that putting your hand back on the stove won’t hurt as much this time because your burned yourself once before. Conservatives need to continue to put pot holes whenever Liberals decide to use this sort of political argument to further bankrupt our nation. You can read more about what Harry Red says an Obama stimulus part two would do here

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Greece Buys Itself More Time.

Today the Greek Parliament passed the latest round of austerity measures in an attempt to prevent the country from defaulting on its financial obligations. Violent protests took place all throughout the country as unions encouraged at least 100,000 workers to strike as a result of these latest cuts. These financial measure come after many in the European Zone feared that Greece would not be able to salvage their economy. You can read more about the measures the Greek Parliament approved here

More About Occupation Wackos.

Data continues to trickle in about the individuals that are participating in Occupation Wall Street. Now we are getting a breakdown of their political persuasion, age, socio economic background, and voting record. All interesting facts, but what concerns me isn’t who is participating in the radical movement. I am appalled more by their extremist rhetoric, lack of respect for authorities, their willingness to undermine our American core values, and their entitlement mentality. In other words, their lack of democratic principles makes them part of the problem not the solution.
Last week I posted an article warning people that inaccurate comparisons between the Tea Party and Occupation Wall Street were going to be made. Well, President Obama in a TV interview made that exact comparison. Also, the rhino governor of New Jersey Chris Christie did as well in a speech in his home state. Occupation Wall street does not have any semblance of the Tea Party movement. There isn’t any need to elaborate, but even the most basic distinction can be made. The Tea Party inspired Americans to participate in the political process in order to remove ineffective politicians from office, and Occupation Wall Street stand around a park pretending they have megaphone complaining about how the government owes them more benefits. The best way to combat those who are intellectually incompetent as well as those who feel entitled is by voting those they support out of office. They want benefits, then they will have to roll up their sleeves to earn them not just hold public sites hostage. According to this article t48% of those taking part in the movement support Barack Obama you can read a further break down of these individual’s here

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Occupational Wackos Across The World.

Occupation Wall Street’s message seems to be resonating among radicals across several countries around the world. The common theme in their message is for individuals to defy authorities, and to use violence to rid themselves of their frustrations. They seem to want social equality through means of redistributing the wealth of those who have to them. They refuse to stand up for themselves by actually looking for a job. They prefer to demand that they be given a job. It’s honestly starting to resemble the protest in the 60’s when hippie’s started acting in a similar way. I hope that President Obama continues to embrace this radical movement as it helps to diminish any credibility he might had left. You can read more about the different protests around the world here

France Faces a Possible Credit Downgrade.

The European Zone is currently facing extreme economic problems. The largest problems lie in the possibility that Greece may default on its current economic obligations. Several countries including France, Germany, and Great Britain attempted to salvage the failing Greek economy through a series of bailout packages. Despite of all of their efforts though Greece is on the brinks of economically collapsing.
France now faces the consequences of participating in bailing out several of the countries including Greece inside of the European Zone. Moody’s, credit agency, and has warned the French of a negative outlook for their credit rating do to all of their current expenditures. France follows the trend of countries in Western Europe who have gotten such an ominous warning from Moody’s. Italy earlier last month proposed several austerity measures to prevent a possible downgrading of their credit rating. A summit will take place on Sunday between all of the 17 countries that form the Euro Zone to discuss the options that are available to ensure that Greece doesn’t default. Massive work strikes are already taking place in Greece, but it could get out of hand if they are unable to design some type of rescue package. You can read more about Frances predicament here

Monday, October 17, 2011


I plan to post articles on here until I can resolve the publishing difficulties the site is currently encountering. The rest of the site works perfectly fine though. I do apologize for the sudden change, and I appreciate that you chose to read my posts by coming to my blog. Please do still visit the site, and you can always come here for the articles as I linked the blog on the Must Read page. Once again, thanks for your patience.
James Blaise

Libya Remains In Chaos.

Libya remains in a state of chaos following the ousting of their former leader Momar Gaddafi. Several small pockets of loyalist have chosen to use guerrilla tactics to hinder any progress from taking place. They plan to disrupt Libya’s transition from a dictatorship by carrying out bombings, oil field strikes, and assassination attempts against foreigners and members of the National Transition Council. Libya never truly establish a stable government council so the threat of violence is concerning. O there countries in the region that also experienced revolutionary movements are still dealing with violent clashes. You can read more about the threat to Libya’s new government here

Obama embraces Occupation Wall Street.

This past weekend the protests that originated in New York better known as Occupation Wall Street spread to cities all over the world. This triggered a flurry of attention by the media. Some world leaders spoke out against those who chose to get involved in this anarchist movement, while others weren’t so forceful. As usual, instead of discouraging individuals from targeting the section of the population that pay the most taxes even if some consider this to be corporate greed President Obama chose to embrace the members and rhetoric of this radical movement. In fact, it should be alarming that even China who currently practices some of the harshest forms of repression applauded Occupation Wall Street’s efforts to seek economic reform.
President Obama managed to include the members of Occupation Wall Street in his speech at the unveiling of the MLK monument in Washington this weekend. He made an analogy between those who are currently fighting against capitalism, free enterprise, and the ability to be successful with those who were part of the civil rights movement. I still insist that Barack Obama hasn’t a clue what Dr. King dream was, and I will assume that this blatant misunderstanding has to do with his lack of caring no t ignorance. Dr. King spoke out against those who chose to view race as a qualification. In his Dream speech he proposes the idea that it would be ideal if we lived in a color blind society. The complete opposite of what the President has done so far.
Barack Obama has used his race as a political tool. He has resorted to this sort of tactic out of desperation since his political strategies have failed miserably. Dr. King’s style of protesting resembles that of the Tea Party more than that of Occupy Wall Street. Those who were part of the Civil Rights movement didn’t want hand outs. They want an opportunity to have an opportunity to succeed. Those in Occupation Wall Street are advocating for the elimination of a group of individuals who are now enjoying the fruit of their labor. They are advocating that they won’t tolerate a government that doesn’t give in to their economic demands.
Barack Obama’s reelection situation must be quite dire if he is reaching that far out. The unveiling of the monument should have been all about MLK and the civil rights movement instead of the President’s reelection bid. If those involved in Occupation Wall Street had a dream they would work hard to pursue it, and one day they would have a chance to reap the reward of being successful. Instead, they aspire to get as many as possible from socialist ideologues like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. You can read more about what President Obama said here