The Red, White, and Blue

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Will The Real Candidate Please Stand Up?

By James Blaise.
Hello everyone, pundits are now once again awake after their unsuccessful pursuit of the Palin bus across the Eastern seaboard that Al Gore no doubt believes increased our carbon emission. They now scurry along salivating as every bandwagon get hitched for 2012. Each one prepared to derail anyone who opposes the so called chosen one. The GOP field has commenced to take shape, while the Obama administration stands firmly behind all of its failed policies. One of the most important personality traits that any individual in any powerful position must possess is credibility. Unfortunately, facts show that neither Barack Obama nor several candidates who have expressed their intent to become the Republican nominee possess this crucial trait. This isn’t intended to single out the flaws of a single individual, but to demonstrate the importance of ensuring that the candidate who defeats Obama in 2012 truly embodies all of the values that represent us as a nation as a whole.
The CNN debate that took place in New Hampshire among 9 prospecting GOP candidates made it clear what their main strategy will be. They intend to address all of the flaws of every policy set in place by the Obama administration. This strategy does not lack in merit. How can anyone defend a deflating stimulus package, an expanding government accompanied by a shrinking private sector, an increase of unemployment, the creation of an illegal and unconstitutional healthcare policy, a failed response to an enormous oil spill, and taking over banks and car companies? These are just a few of the policies enacted by the current administration so far.
It doesn’t account for our President playing 75 rounds of golf, attending various concerts, taking joy rides to New York, etc. The President does deserve to have a vacation, and a President is entitled to some down time. It’s just difficult to take him at his word about everyone needing to tighten up their belts though when he acts in such a reckless manner. It’s difficult to believe how much he truly values the sacrifice our brave men and women in uniform agree upon enlisting if he lives the life of a king instead of that of a commander in chief. How can the grieving family of a soldier or first responder believe that the sacrifice of their love one will help in maintaining the existence of our great nation when their President apologetically bows to the same states that provide a haven for the extremists who killed their love one?
American voters who cherish our great nation must remain vigilant for politicians that disguise themselves under a cloak that is Red, White, and Blue to later on utilize their position to serve their own purpose. For instance, how can the Speaker of the House claim to stand strong against the destructive agenda of the administration, and even go so far as to admonish the President for his lack of honesty about Libya. Yet later on he was photographed on a golf course with a plastered smile after a round of golf with an arm around the shoulder of the same man he so harshly chastised. This upcoming Presidential election must consist of candidates who not only articulate proposals to rectify the poor state of the economy along with other issues, but they must have the track record demonstrating their commitment to advancing the true values upon which this nation was founded upon through their policies as well. The lesson that Barack Obama taught everyone especially those who voted for him should be that fancy suits, creative slogans, nor heart sobs tales can get the job done. Every policy implemented by this administration has embodied the radical ideology once indoctrinated into the mind of a young Chicago Senator. Actions will always speak louder than words.
It’s great that Mitt Romney can fund raise more than Lady Gaga can on her worldwide tour, but he already opted to have a version of universal healthcare while Governor of Massachusetts. How can he contest the unconstitutionality of the Obama care individual mandate, while his own plan has a similar aspect? Newt Gingrich has criticized the Obama administration for its wasteful spending, but will contest 12 of his top aides over a giant bill at Tiffany’s. He will argue against the work ethic of the President as have I, and instead of communicating to the American people his message he chooses to take a two week cruise in the Mediterranean. Of course, no one begrudges him such a luxury though that sounds awful familiar.
Any candidate who shows a commitment to the American people. Any candidate who proves their willingness to assist Congress in tackling entitlement reform. Any candidate who demonstrates their loyalty to our military as oppose to neglecting to mention them except when doing so to boost up poll ratings. Any candidate who can speak to the American people from the heart with a clear understanding of our Constitution. Any candidate whose policies diminishes the size of government along with evaporating the economic choke hold that the federal government now possesses over certain aspects of our economy. Finally, any candidate who will strengthen our relationship with allies like Israel and Great Britain while at the same time stand up to tyranny deserves to reside in Pennsylvania Avenue starting January 2013. A perfect candidate will never exist, but a politician who pretends to be someone they aren’t in their pursuit of power definitely does not belong in such a powerful position.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Shop With Us.

Hello everyone, I want to thank you for supporting my blog by coming to the site to read my posts every week. Here is your chance to help support this blog in a different way. We now have a sponsor, and I would greatly appreciated it if for all of your online shopping needs you went to from now on. You will find great prices on all available products, and you will help support this blog. Thank you, James.

Common Sense is The Answer.

by James Blaise.
Hello everyone, the mainstream media has now started to focus on the candidates who have now thrown their hats in the ring for the Presidential election next year. So far, for the Republican Party these candidates include former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, former CEO of god Father’s Pizza Herman Cain, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Pundits everywhere have theorized on how these candidates and anyone else that my run could possibly defeat President Obama. Sadly, after evaluating his time in office so far it won’t take much to defeat him. It isn’t going to require a thorough understanding of Robert Dahl’s political models, nor will it require the ability to distinguish the difference between john Locke and THOMAS Hobbes governing principles. What will it take to defeat Barack Obama who has most of the media in his back pocket, and a radical political machine at his disposal to smear anyone who attempts to oppose him in his quest for reelection? The answer is common sense.
Common sense may seem like a simplistic approach, but it truly is the answer. Let’s apply common sense to most of the policies so far put in place by the current administration. It will shock you how simple it is to combat the policies of a man who the Chris Matthews of the world endeared as the man who would save our nation from disaster.
The White House yesterday conceded to the media that the three most concerning aspects of the economy were high gas prices, the stagnant unemployment rate, and the lack of economic growth. The constant increase in gas prices partly stems from Barack Obama opting to put in place a moratorium on off shore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico along with maintaining a ban on drilling in areas that have substantial amounts of oil such as ANWAR in Alaska to salvage his reputation as a deeply concerned environmentalist. Well, the answer is simple as I stated above. If the off shore moratorium got lifted, and companies who have a track record of utilizing environmentally friendly drilling techniques got the opportunity to tap into these oil rich areas it would have a booming effect. The off shore drilling would create thousands of jobs for places such as Louisiana who suffered the most from the BP oil spill along with the Obama moratorium. The drilling in other sites would create jobs around the country, and our own supply would increase, and gradually it would help diminish our dependency on foreign oil. This would also caused gas prices to sharply drop, and it would allow us to sell our oil to other countries as opposed to begging others for their black gold.
The solution to fixing unemployment has a common sense answer as well. The Obama administration has chosen to use the redistribution of wealth as their main model. Also, it has chosen to used tax payer money to solve every single problem that it deemed worthy. This approached has caused taxes to rise, for companies to go elsewhere to avoid the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, for 44 million people to be on food stamps, and for 8 million people to currently be collecting unemployment benefits. The unemployment rate has remained at 9% a staggering amount for quite a long time along with the rate of foreclosures in the housing market.
Once again, the answer does not require several years of experience as a community organizer or a degree from Columbia. If the corporate tax rate got cut, then more companies would be enticed to do business in the United States. This would mean that jobs would be created, and this would also mean that shockingly more money would be collected by the government from paid taxes which would help eliminate the national debt if the federal government managed to only spend within its means. Furthermore, this would allow the economy to grow since it would be driven by the free market as opposed to the suffocating choke hold of Uncle Sam. The United States could once again ensure that the dollar gained strength in the world market, and the idea of depending on the communist Chinese would no longer be a looming possibility.
Finally, the Obama administration has chosen to practice a rather poor style of diplomacy. Barack Obama has bow down to other world leaders, and has aligned itself with radical Arabic nations. The administration wonders why this makes our strongest allies uncomfortable, and why these new so called ties haven’t bore any fruit. The answer is simple. The United State shouldn’t concern itself with what other countries who have always deemed our founding principles as inadequate think. America must stand firm with those countries that have stood with us when others turned their back on us. Our foreign policy should be quite simple. If any country does not respect the sovereignty of Israel, then we aren’t interested in dealing with them. If any country threatens Israel, then we let them know that they are threatening us as well. If any country tries to systematically damage Britain, then they are systematically hurting us and they will have to deal with us as well.
Anyone who chooses to run for President must demonstrate the ability to use common sense. They must prove to the American people that they truly stand for the core principles upon which this nation was founded on as opposed to just doing it through catchy slogans. In short, the candidate that embodies these values and principles in all of their policies has a great chance to defeat Barack Obama in the Presidential election in 2012.