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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Contribute by Shopping With Us and Saving Money.

Hello everyone, I want to thank you for supporting my blog by coming to the site to read my posts every week. Here is your chance to help support this blog in a different way. We now have a sponsor, and I would greatly appreciated it if for all of your online shopping needs you went to from now on. You will find great prices on all available products, and you will help support this blog. Thank you, James.

Somewhere Over A Barrel.

Hello everyone, by now I’m certain that everyone has seen the violent scenes emanating from different regions in the Middle East and North Africa. President Obama as usual has opted to condemn the violent acts a few casualties too late, and has chosen to avoid directly addressing heads of state carrying out these heinous acts such as Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. This isn’t unusual since he developed cases of name amnesia with Hosni Mubarak, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and others in the past. The current administration inability to effectively deal with foreign policy crisis causes our closest allies to wonder about our intentions as well as further damages the already fragile economy.
Despite the bloodshed and economic consequences the current administration still wants to approach the crisis diplomatically. Diplomatic tactics are no longer an option when doctors are prevented from treating individuals that the government shot. Diplomacy isn’t a valid option when everyone regardless of their age, gender, or career paths becomes a target for the rogue government forces. A murderous dictator who doesn’t think twice about slaughtering his own people isn’t going to care too much if Secretary of State Clinton or President Obama tells them to go to time out for being naughty.
Barack Obama has struck out every single time he has had to step up to the plate when it comes to dealing with any foreign policy conflict. He has demonstrated that he lacks the political fortitude to stand up with those who desire a government of their own that uses the same democratic principles upon which America was founded on, or the leadership to condemn governments who turn on their people as well as any new government that decide to align themselves with political organizations who relish our own demise along with that of our closest allies. He couldn’t even use that teleprompter of his to scare the living daylights out of those thugs off the Somali coast who continue to terrorize and kill innocent lives.
Also, the same political cowardice that has prevented him from walking tall and carrying a big stick has caused America to still be at the mercy of the above mentioned regimes that are prominent players in the cartel formerly known as OPEC. The United States has enough oil of its own in places such as the continental shelf and ANWAR to diminish this dependency. Also, the economy would get quite a boost from those individuals working on off shore rigs if the moratorium were to be lifted. Instead, President Obama has chosen to talk about green energy as an asset right now. Tax payer money funds green energy projects, while the price at the pump continues to rise since we have to hope and pray that the Saudi’s keep waking up on the right side of the bed each morning so that oil doesn’t stop flowing.
Unfortunately, Liberals often choose to play nice for the fear of coming off as too stern. It’s time that Barack Obama learns that America’s future is more important than what any manipulative oil rich Arab leader thinks about the United States. It’s about time that he understands that the price of oil is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to commodities prices escalating. The administrations current foreign policy approach and President Obama’s political cowardice has America’s future precariously sitting somewhere over a barrel.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Americans United Against The Unions.

Hello everyone, the news has quickly shifted from violent and chaotic scenes in the Middle East and North Africa to our own back yard. Once again, liberals are utilizing their ability to really sell a sob story for one of their favorite targets, children. I do hope no one decides to misinterpret my use of the word target.
Democrats often defend irrational political vitriol by posing the question, but what about Granny and little Bobby. So far, the most powerful political group representing the elderly sold out its own members when it supported Obama Care, and now a union is choosing to take action complaining about several state legislatures with the support of its constituents to make several fiscally responsible measures to address large debts. Several reports indicate that over 1200 teachers in Wisconsin have not shown up to work with the support of union clowns like Jesse Jackson in protest to several measures proposed by governor walker. I thought that they cared so much about little Bobby that nothing would stop him from becoming better educated than little boys and girls in China though.
Let’s clarify an erroneous misconception now emanating from most pundits microphones. I as a Conservative still believe that teachers are a vital pillar of society in America today. Teachers are incredibly important in honing kid’s minds by helping them master numerous tasks as well as honing various skills essential in the development of a child’s mind. When they choose to actually teach subjects such as math, science, and history as opposed to regurgitating from a pamphlet written by a union thug they can unlock the potential of every single pupil inside of their classroom. Finally, teachers should have the opportunity to be rewarded for their hard work within reason.
The first step in this process will be to tell the NEA to go jump into The Potomac. This union has swindled tax payers long enough by manipulating teacher’s salaries that doesn’t reflect the quality of education that some children receive in public schools. Most often the highest paid teachers are found in the least successful school districts. Also, even though teachers are essential sometimes everyone has to sacrifice especially when the economy is struggling. Why not instead of demanding for new multimillion dollar schools focus that money on improving the schools that already exist. Why not exercise some fiscal sanity by cutting the salaries of some school officials to ensure that other teachers who do their jobs aren’t fired due to lack of funds.
Unions once represented the solidarity of certain industries to prevent the government from bullying their members. Recently, Unions across the country as in those in Wisconsin have emphatically emphasized their willingness to advance their cause no matter who stands in the way. Those in Wisconsin and other surrounding states are willing to sacrifice the future of those children they so vigorously pretended to defend against evil fiscally caring Conservatives as well as ignore any attempt to make financial maneuvers to eliminate debts for the sole purpose of maintaining their political allegiances.
Those teachers in Wisconsin who chose to not show up to school to side with the Unions best exemplify why the membership to certain Union’s should be optional. Also, they show the extent of the powers of Unions in the United States today. Just like a House can’t stand when it is divided, nor can any industry. Union bosses should remember though that the will of the American people can topple any bureaucratic force that stands in their way. James.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Love at First Flight